chapter 13

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Your POV

Loud music was coming from inside the house along with laughter and talking.

"You ready?" Soda looks at me from the drivers seat.

Before I can answer Two-Bit yells, "Fuck yeah!" And jumps out of the car, leaving Steve running after him.

I chuckle, "what he said."

As soon as we open the door we are hit with many different smells at once. Cigarettes, sweat, beer and sex.

Soda pushes through the crowd, to a corner near the bar.

"You wanna drink?" He shouted over the music.

"Maybe just one." I shout back.

Soda takes off, making his way to the bar. When he is there, he looks over and waves with a goofy grin on his face. I wave back.

I was feeling less uncomfortable, that is until I felt someone push my hair off my shoulder.

"Hey dollface. You here by yourself." A blonde man whispers in my ear, his hand stays on my shoulder.

"No actually, so could you please leave me alone?" I push his hand away.

"Aw c'mon baby." He grabs my waist.

"Please just leave me alone!" I push him away.

"Wow, feisty just the way I like em'." I smirks cornering me again.

"Hey! leave her alone!" Soda comes back with two drinks in his hands.

"What are ya, her boyfriend?"

"Thats right, and I suggest you walk away."

The guy grumbles something and stomps off.

"Thanks." I shoot him a thankful smile.

"Anytime." He hands me a beer, and takes a sip from his own. He scrunched his nose after, I laugh.

"Don't drink much?" I say taking a swig from my bottle.

"Not really."

I chug back the rest of my beer and set it on a table. Soda looked at me wide eyed. He was still nursing his.

"Your turn." I nod to his drink.

"I can't do that!" He answers quickly.

"Just try!" I urge him on.

He shrugs and starts chugging his beer. I cheer him on. He finishes and places his bottle next to mine. He starts coughing, I laugh placing a hand on his back.

"You get used to it." I giggle.

We end up talking for most of the party, I really like when he makes me laugh,  I know he does to.

"The music is really loud."  I shout.

"You wanna go somewhere quieter?" He asks concerned.

I follow him upstairs, where he counts the doors then opens the third one.

"Ladies first." He bows.

"Well thank you." I curtsy.

I walk in and stop when I see the bed, I feel myself heat up.

"Soda, I-" I turn to him.

"Calm down, it ain't like that." He chuckles. "It's Dal's room, he won't mind if we hang out in here."

I sit down on the bed and he digs through the closet. He returns with two bottles of beer in his hands.

"Are you sure I saw you with the last one." I remark.

He rolls his eyes, "do you want it or not?"

I take it and pop the cap off.

"Man I love this song." He starts dancing around the room.

I watch him, he was dancing to some swing song I've never heard before, he seems to be enjoying himself.

"You gonna get up and dance or are you just gonna sit there all night?" He asks me sticking out his hands.

"I don't dance."

He quirks an eyebrow,  he knew I was lying.

"Fine I don't know how too." I roll my eyes.

"C'mon I'll show you." He pulls me up before I can protest.

He drags me out to an open space, and dances to the beat, urging me to do the same. I dance a little smiling.

"Yeah like that!" He smirks, "well, kinda."

"Fine this better." I put a little more effort in and dance to the beat.

"Much." He chuckles.

With All My Heart || Sodapop Curtis x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora