chapter 10

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Your POV

"Darry mind if I borrow the car today." I ask bringing the plates to the sink when everyone finished.

"Yeah no problem."

"Does that mean I have to walk today?" Pony whined

"Sorry kiddo." Darry said, he didn't sound sorry though.

"It's okay I can drop him and Johnny off at school, I don't mind."

"Then you're dropping me off to." Soda says chugging back the last of his milk.

"Darry you want a ride too?" I ask helping him with the dishes.

"No thanks kid, a buddy of mine is picking me up today." He answers, "actually he should be here now." He tries rushing to finish the dishes.

"Darry its fine I'll finish them when I come back." He shoots me a grateful smile, before turning and kissing Pony on the head.

"Johnny, Pony get you shit we're leaving soon." I order.

"What about my clothes?!" Soda asks still in his towel.

"Did you check your bedroom, cause thats where I left em'." I answer, his face falls and he runs upstairs.

I hear him cuss.

"You're welcome!" I call up laughing.

I finish up the dishes just as Soda comes running down the stairs.

"Let's go, c'mon we aint got all day!" He pushes everyone out the door.

I drop Soda off first.

"See ya later." He kisses Pony on the head and ruffles Johnny's hair. He winks at me, which gives me butterflies.

I pull out of the parking lot.

"Are you and Soda dating?" Pony asks smiling.

"Whay makes you think that kid?"

"Well he talks about you all the time, and I see you two making googly eyes at eachother." Johnny laughs at that.

I roll my eyes. "It's complicated."

Which was true, I didn't know if we were or not either.
I pull into the school parking lot and drop them off.

"Ill pick you up after!" I call after them. They ignore me so I honk the horn a few times and hop out of the car.

"Bye Ponyboy! Bye Johnny! I love you!" I shout trying to embarrass them.

It worked even from here I could see johnnys face, a bright pink. Ponyboy flipped me off and kept walking.

I drove down to the mall after, I intended to pick up groceries, but then I saw a clothing store. I couldn't help myself, I am a girl after all.

I ended up buying a new shirt, two new pairs of shorts, and a cute little skirt. I also picked up a black lacey lingerie dress, not for anyone in particular, but just because I thought it was cute.

It was around noon so I figured Soda and Steve would be on break. So I decide to go down to Dingo and get lunch for them.

I dropped all the groceries off in the kitchen and put the rest of my things in Soda and Ponyboys room, if one of the gang came over and saw my lingerie, well lets just say I would never hear the end of that one.

Steve was outside at a gas pump helping someone fill their car up, I hop out and wave, he points to the store. And I nod my head. What I got from that was, Soda is in side.

I see him through the window, he notices me. He smiles and puts down the magazine he was reading. I wave the bag of food in the air and he laughs.

"Hey." I say walking in I push my sunglasses up on my head, my eyes adjusting to the lighting.

"Hey, you brought me lunch, you must really like me." He says mockingly.

I jump up and sit on the counter. I toss him the bag.

"Don't get your hopes up." I answer. Which makes him laugh.

He digs through the bag pulling out a few things.

"Save some for Steve." I remind him.

"Hey free food!" Steve says walking in as if on cue. I push the bag towards him.

"Bucks having a party tonight." Steve says with a mouth full of food. "We should go, us three, Two, Dally and Darry."

"Darry won't go." Soda says.

"Fine then everyone minus Superdope, Johnny and Pony."

"I'm down if you are." Soda shruggs looking at me.

"What the hell." I shrug.

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