chapter 9

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Sodas POV

It was great, she was great. We didn't do anything more than kiss, but it was great.

"Ahem." Someone clears their throat.

We quickly pull away and see Two-Bit standing there smirking.

"I knew this was bound to happen, don't mind me, just grabbing my switchblade." He picks up a black handled knife from the table. He starts walking backwards.

"Sorry to interrupt you two." He backs up in to a wall, and I suppress a laugh.

I cup her face in my hands and kiss her again.

"Oh one more thing Soda." Two-Bit says coming back.

I rolls my eyes, "what now?"

"Please use protection,  we don't need another Ponyboy on our hands." He winks at Y/n and I whip a pillow at him. He ducks it swiftly and walks away laughing.

"I love him like a brother, but man he sure can get on my nerves sometimes." I say.

She laughs then lays her head on my shoulder.

"You know something?" She says.

"Whats that?" I answer, my eyes closing a little.

"I've waited years to do that with you."

"Me too."

We fell asleep like that, with her almost sitting on my lap andmhead resting against my shoulder.

I knew right then and there our lives were gonna change drastically.

I woke up in the morning with her still beside me, she looked really peaceful when she slept. I kissed the top of her head, she stirred almost instantly. Looking up at me with big green eyes.

"Hey, I gotta get ready for work." I say softly.

"Mhmm." She mumbles curling back up and closing her eyes.

I kiss the side of her cheek, slowly moving down towards her shoulder. Where I knew she had a ticklish spot, it was only on the left shoulder for some odd reason.

"Soda!" She says laughing when I hit the spot.

"I'll stop - when - you - let - me up." I said pausing after each word to kiss her.

She was laughing hysterically now, begging me to stop.

"Soda please. Ahh! Sodapop Patrick Curtis, Stop please!" She shouts giggling.

"Alright, alright." I kiss her one last time before I stop. "Just don't ever use my middle name." I said pointing an accusing finger at her.

I leap up from my spot on the couch and ran upstairs to shower.
Before anyone else could. Humming to myself quietly, I liked singing but not in front of other people.

I come out of the shower and tie a towel around my waist.

"God damnit!" I shout laughing.

She stole my bloody clothes, on any other day I would just walk over to the closet and get other ones, but today I had to work so I needed my DX shirt.

I walk downstairs in my towel and she is just sitting on the couch with a huge grin across her face.

"What did you do?" I asked, worried for the answer.

"Darry told me you never eat breakfast with them anymore and just run straight to work, so you will get your clothes back after we all eat breakfast together."

"Ughh, do I have to?"

"Better watch that tone little buddy, or I swear I will burn your toast." Darry playfully scolds me.

I look back at y/n, who is trying to hide a smile.

"Fine let's hurry this up please I don't want to be late."

We ended up eating together,  it was nice acctually. We were all cracking jokes and making eachother laugh.

Y/n  made Pony laugh so hard chocolate milk came out oh his nose. That made us all laugh even harder. Even little Johnny looked like he was having fun.

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