chapter 28

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Your POV

My options were limited on where I could go, so I found myself heading to my fathers house. I didn't care anymore he could hit me all he wanted but it would never hurt as much as me having to leave Soda did.

I push the screen door open to the little house and step inside. The door slams behind me and there is a loud grunt from the living room.

"Who the devil-"  my father storms in but is cut short when he sees me. "Y/n. I didn't think you'd show up."

"Well I'm here now."

"Jesus you look just like your mother. That old bitch finally croaked huh."  His words were slurred.

"Don't you dare call her that." I snap.  He slaps me across the cheek so hard I'm knocked up against the wall he pins me there with his hands on either side of my head.

"You listen here and you listen good. Now that shes gone you ain't gonna have anyone to hide behind so you better watch what you say." He spits on the floor and walks back to his chair.

I reach up and gingerly touch my cheek. It stung, bad. Tears prickle my eyes but I refused to cry in front of him. I walk up the stairs and open the door to my old room. It was different now, the walls were painted dark blue and books were piled on the nights table. Guess it was Johnny's room now.

I wasn't staying there for long. Just long enough to get a job and my own apartment. I unzip my suitcase and dig around, I pulled everything out and put it back in. I forgot the picture of me and my mother on the beach in Los Angeles. We visited my uncle who lives there. My mother had written 'Life's a beach.' at the bottom of the picture, the little 10 year old me thought it was the funniest thing ever.

I would have to go back tomorrow to get it when I knew Soda was working. I missed him. I knew he missed me. But with the turn of events I couldn't face him, not for awhile.

We weren't meant to be together. We had a moment, that was all it was. Just a moment. For a moment everything was okay. For a moment I saw a future with him. For a moment I thought he felt the same way. And in a moment I lost it all.


Ouu look at me being all poetic and stuff.

~Stay Gold bitches ♥

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