chapter 78

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Johnny's POV

I never minded spending the nights at the curtis house, It was better than spending at my parents dreery house. I call it a house because it never felt like home to me. Darry had always been welcoming to whoever needed a place to stay. Unless he didn't really care for you. 

Luckily for me he liked me, and Y/N. But hey it's hard not to like Y/N she's an awesome person and makes an even better sister. Well I think at least I think so, I've never never had anyone to judge her off of. Either way though it's hard not to smile when she's around. She Just lights up a room when she walks in it. 

I really  love her, not in a weird incestual way but in an admiration way. Sodapop, however is a different story. They very clearly are meant for eachother, and the love each other a lot. I don't doubt they're relationship will last for awhile, maybe even forever.

 They've been acting really weird recently, like they are keeping something from the rest of us. I mentioned it to Pony but he just kinda waved me off and kept his nose in some book he was reading. He may be book smart but when it came to other things like relationships and signals he very clearly was clueless. 

I noticed the ring the was once Mr. Curtis' no longer rested on Sodas' finger and when I asked him about it he said he must have misplaced it, then glanced at Y/N. Now if that's not suspicious I don't know what is. 

Apparently I was the only one who noticed this because no one really spared a look at Soda or I. Maybe I was just overreacting, Maybe they were always like this. I decided that I would get to the bottom of this and uncover what was really going on.


~Stay Gold bitches

With All My Heart || Sodapop Curtis x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora