[01] Crashing-- I Mean, Meeting!

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[Disclaimer: I most certainly do not own any of the wonderful, beautiful NaJ characters. Happy reading!]

| Fresh


I slammed my hand down on the annoying alarm clock and yawned, turning over onto my other side slowly. Stars, I'm so tired.

I know, I know. I'm probably the laziest skeleton in the whole of the world. But it's not like I have anything to actually get up for...right?

As I turned over, I caught a glimpse at the calendar that I hung on my wall last week from a little peg. Now that was a hard piece of business, hammering in a tiny nail just for something practically useful to decorate it. Especially when your house has thin walls.

I also noticed something else. There was a date circled with bold red ink on the page displayed on the wall.

Now what was that all about? Did I miss someone's birthday today or something? I'm pretty sure that Keith's was last week.

Hang on a second. Suddenly bolting upright, I frantically fumbled around for my phone and my glasses on the wooden dresser. Finding both, I quickly slid on my round spectacles and pressed the power button on my phone, causing the screen to light up and display a few little white numbers.

Oh. My. Stars. Today is supposed to be the first day at my new school! And I'm gonna be late!

How on earth could I forget that!?

I threw aside the heavy covers and made my way hurriedly to the bathroom where I nearly dropped my toothbrush, my clumsy fingers just catching it before it fell to the tiled floor. This is absolutely no time to be panicked.

Oh, who am I kidding? This is the perfect time to panic! If I don't reach school in time, my reputation is gonna be ruined! And it's my first day! I'll never get the perfect attendance record certificate now!

...Okay, so maybe I'm being a little overdramatic. I should stop.

After I finished brushing my teeth and doing everything else, I rushed to my wardrobe and flung the doors open. I'd just have to pick a random outfit and go with it. In the end (after about ten minutes), I decided to go with a classic nerd outfit, and yes, of course with a flannel shirt.

Oh well. Who cares, anyway!?

Putting my hat on, I ran downstairs with a speed that could have rivalled Sonic's and popped a bread slice in the toaster. It'll have to do for now. Besides, I'm used to late mornings like this. In the meantime I put on my backpack.

After the slice came out of the toaster, all nicely toasted and crispy brown, it went straight into my mouth as I let myself out of the house, keys jangling as I locked the front door.

Grabbing my cycle that was leaning against the side of the fence, I pedalled out onto the tar road and on the way to school.

- Timeskip to when he reaches school -

'You made it just in time,' the principal smiled at me as I chuckled awkwardly. To be honest, I barely made it just before the second bell...

'Here's your timetable...Fresh, right?' The principal asked me, handing over a sheet of paper to me across the wooden desk. I was perched on the edge of my seat, ready to jump and run if necessary.

I don't know why. It was just something about this room. I think it's making me claustrophobic, and it's still only my first day. Great. I'll keep that in mind next time I get in big trouble.

I nodded, thanking the principal and letting myself out of the phobia-inducing office. Scanning my eyes over the paper I was given, I saw my timetable;


Social Sciences

(Snack break)




(Lunch break)



Lab (Chemistry)

(A/N Btw I have no idea if this kind of timetable is accurate, so please bear with me here XD)

I was so busy reading the paper as I walked down the hallway that I didn't notice the person in front of me until it was too late.

I bumped into the unknown person, sending both of us tumbling to the floor in a not-so-elegant fashion. I groaned in pain as I landed hard, feeling sore already as my backpack collided hard with the floor, books digging into my back.

Ouch. Definitely not how I imagined my first day to go.

'Hey, watch it, nerd!' a deep voice snarled at me and I looked up from the floor, seeing the guy clearly for the first time. Luckily, my glasses hadn't fallen off in the confusion.

My breath caught in my throat, or atleast it would have if I had an actual throat. And the reason was a dark-boned male skeleton standing in front of me, arms crossed and expression twisted into a scowl.

A very attractive dark-boned male skeleton.

...Yes, so I'm gay. So what? I mean, everyone has got to love rainbows, am I right or am I right?

The handsome stranger had some gooey-looking bits like paint floating off the side of his head, a yellow eye in his right eyesocket, a blue one with a yellow star around it in his left one, and what looked like paint splotches on his cheekbones. He also wore a cool jacket with the letters PJ on each side along with fingerless gloves.

In other words, the perfect mould for a big-time jock.

I gulped, at a loss for words. Somehow, I just couldn't bring myself to say anything under his intimidating gaze.

'Well?' he arched a faux-brow at me, frown deepening.

'U-uh, well...sor--sorry?' I stammered, mentally cursing myself. Why do I always end up tripping over my own feet (and words) whenever I meet a hot guy?

The skeleton's expression deepened even further (I didn't know that was possible) and he uncrossed his arms, glaring at me.

'You better look where you're going next time, or you'll really be sorry,' he warned me, picking up my timetable and tossing it at me before turning away and striding off.

I was left sprawled on the floor, with the sheet of paper fluttering down into my outstretched fingers and a glazed expression as I watched his figure slowly retreating down the hallway.


Well, that was the beginning of my heavily-edited, new and even more trashy version of my republished, A Very Unlikely Pair!

I apologize if the chapter was too long, but honestly, all the chapters are probably going to be the length of a football field in the near foreseeable future.

Also, I'm trying to unpublish this story and then republishing it, but Wattpad isn't letting me for some bizarre reason -_-

Well, until next time, folks! (Internal cringing)

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