Chapter Twenty-Four

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Pete wakes up in a panic. His head didn't hurt, but his chest area does and he gasps for air. Also, he can see, and Amy is now right in his face. She looks worried sick.

"Hey Pete! What's wrong?"

Amy pushes away Pete's hands from his chest and feels his heartbeat. She listens for a few moments and has a perplexed look on her face.

Pete gasps for air, and pushing Amy's hand away, he rolls over to his side. Pete wants to speak, but he cannot. He feels his heart, wondering if he is having a heart attack.

To Pete's dismay, his heart seems to function fine.

Amy pulls Pete back over on his back and asks, "Pete, your heart is beating fine. Where does it hurt?"

Pete only motions towards his heart. He tries to speak once again, but he cannot.

At this point Pete turns blue in the face.

"What the heck Pete! Don't you go dying on me. Once a wimp, always a wimp, but I need your help. I need to find my father, and you need to help!"

Amy pounds on Pete's chest with a small hope that might fix the issue.

At this point, Pete stops breathing, but Amy only hits all the harder. She also yells out loud for help, to no one in particular.

After a few more moments, Amy gives up, backs off of the lifeless body, and falls to her left side, landing on the soft grass. She closes her eyes and tries to think of nothing.

Suddenly, there is a rustle, and Amy hears a couple voices in the distance.

"Did they both die?" says a voice that sounds like a younger boy.

"Oh no! Are we too late?" says a voice that sounds like a younger girl.

"Maybe so."

Amy continues to have her head on the ground, with her eyes close. She hears the two move close to Pete.

"Looks like we might be too late with this one." The boy sighs and drops to the ground.

"Is there anything we can do?" asks the girl.

"Come on. You know this look. He is gone for good. Let's check the other one."

Amy still tries not to move, but at this point she cannot stop shaking.

"Oh, she is alive for sure!" the girls voice quickens and rises in pitch.

"Are you okay Amy?" asks the boy.

Even now, Amy cannot move. She tries to open her eyes, but they do not.

"I think she is in shock." says the boy. "It's okay Amy; you will be fine. Your friend, unfortunately, is dead. Dead as a doornail, gone from this world. Kaput! Fini..."

The girl cuts him off, "You can stop right there; she doesn't need to hear that!"

"Amy, I want you to try to relax, okay? Listen to my voice. I need you to sleep, and you will feel better when you wake up. Don't worry Amy, we will be here to watch you. To protect you, to keep you safe. Sleep, my child. Sleep..."

Amy struggles to stop shaking, but she closes her eyes and falls asleep. She is asleep for what seems to be a long time.

Amy still has her eyes closed, but she hears voices in the background. It is the boy and girl. She tries to hear what they are saying, but she cannot hear very much. The most she comprehends is, "Should we tell her?" Strange she would only hear that statement because now she wanted to know more.

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