Chapter One

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Pete stood outside of his home, on his front porch. He leaned on the white railing, which went on along the deck. With a drink of jack and coke in hand, Pete looked around at all he had made in Winfield. He saw the new school and the hospital in the background; he made those because he was able to get the job completed. Pete increased the income of the police force and fireman, and also bared down on getting teachers' pay raised. He was admired by everybody and contributed to many charities, making certain that people would recognize his contributions.

Winfield, an insignificant town, sat in the center of no-man's-land. The climate was mild with only a less-than-average, but expected, rainfall. In spite of this, Winfield was lush with vegetation. The only area of concern was the grass. The town's grass was sporadically distributed throughout the town. Only one place had ample grass, but Pete sought to change that. He would destroy that grass and building. Although, even in the one area, the grass was much poorer than one would expect in this region.

Because of this, few people had high hopes for this town of about 15,000, but this was changing. Along the stretch of the road before him, Pete gazed at the small shops, which opened just a block down the street. A barber, salon, and a sushi establishment were its latest additions.

"It's strange, I mean today is strange," remarked Pete Pethaford out loud to himself.

Although Pete observed the grand splendor, he thought today was strange because no one was out. There weren't even cars on the street. It looked as if everything in the town was desolate and nothing was going on. It moved him so much today that no one was out; he had to consider where everybody might be.

As he pondered, he recalled where everyone went to on this day and he pitied those people. Even as there was always an important message; something about hope and salvation...blah...blah...blah. He perceived they were only destroying themselves. The man in black had to give a message about End Times, and how the End Times were approaching just to get people to pay attention to him.

Pete chuckled at that conclusion and declared, once again to himself, People were continually ranting about End Times, but no one actually understands what they were saying. Pete addressed one of his white posts, and with a large grin, he gave it a kick.

After a few minutes with the encounter with the post, he went back inside his house to wait for the people to come back. He went through to the kitchen, but turned away after he noticed a foul stench.

I guess I will clean that up later, he said to himself.

His kitchen often smelled awful, so he often needed to clean it. He walked to his family room so he could watch some TV, but turned away from that room after he observed it was a mess. This was a little more unusual since it was common for the rest of Pete's house to be in good order.

He left that room, and instead, went on to his bedroom to sleep. When he ascended the stairs, he noticed the sunlight appeared to be brighter, but he shrugged that off and continued to his room to rest. While he was in his room, he observed the window was open and it was cold, so he closed it. When he went to the window, he looked out and recognized the grass wasn't green anymore. He thought it was strange, but still went to his bed to sleep. It was 12 p.m.

He slept for an extended period in peaceful bliss. When he woke up, he noticed the clock read 6 p.m. He thought it was odd, but the air seemed mustier and something didn't seem right; something was unusual. He got up and glanced around his bedroom and everything seemed to be the same, but the air was different. If it was possible, the air smelled cleaner and fresher, but his room still carried a musty smell that obscured the clean air.

Must be roaches, Pete said softly to himself.

He decided, after some thought, to leave his room and go back down stairs. As he descended the steps, he noticed that the sun wasn't out anymore, but rather the clouds veiled the sun. As he drew near to the bottom of the stairs, he recognized the horrid smell again, but this time it was so strong that it was burning his nose. He then sneezed once, sneezed once more, coughed, wheezed, and gagged his way down the rest of the flights of stairs, until he gave in, and let out things from his innards. After he reached the ground floor, he fell, and laid on the floor for minutes, which appeared to go on forever. Pete trembled as he coughed and threw up. He then passed out.

When he woke up, he couldn't move, but rather laid there until he could will his body to move. He didn't dare breathe through his nose, but instead his breathing came from his mouth in rapid pants. After several moments of blundering, he got up, and ran to the front entrance. It was his escape! When he got to the door, because he was so out of it, he took awhile to open it.

After unlocking the door, in rushed the cool fresh air, and he stumbled outside to his freedom. He fell down to the earth and let it engulf him. Then he felt himself fade away and let himself completely go.

When he woke up, the sun was blazing and the birds went on singing, well, somewhat. The birds took the several hours he was unconscious to receive free food. They continued pecking at him the entire time he was passed out, but he was too much into his dreams to care. The birds forgot what was provision and what was a soul, so he had small pieces picked out of his body.

When he inspected himself he discovered that the birds had cleaned him and except for the holes in his body he felt good.

He got up and glanced around, and he could hear a bee in the distance, as if he was in a dream.

"Dream!" Pete yelled. "Maybe this was just a dream! Of course! Nothing like this takes place in real life," he reassured himself.

Pete, even in a dream, could understand he was sleeping. He had this happen ever since he was a child and researched what the phenomenon was called when he grew older. From what Pete could tell, through his investigation, he had lucid dreams and night terrors. Although, he could perceive he was sleeping, he found that he couldn't shake himself up from one even if he desired to. Because of that

recollection, Pete went back to his house, but stopped short at the door. He paused until he could be certain there would be nothing happening inside.

Unlike what was expected, he at once opened the door and drew a whiff of air when it was open. He coughed a little because of the musty air, but the other death smell was gone and he was glad.

Pete took a few more steps into the house and the musty odor was likewise gone. He used that instance to acknowledge himself for his courage, even if it was only a dream.

He wondered if the other smell dissipated in the kitchen, so he moved towards it. As he approached the kitchen, he noticed the scent was gone, but something just didn't seem normal, so he turned around just before drawing near to the entrance of the kitchen.

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