Chapter Nineteen

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A rustle, a crack, a scream sounds, but it seems to be in the distance. It is a faint sound that didn't seem to come from anywhere close by, but it sure startles Pete from his sleep.

He sits up, looks around, but can't see anything. Pete grabs his face and cries out. He can't make out anything, but he can hear noises all around, whispers, and the worst part is, they knew he is here.

Over over here...hey, are you lost? Can you see? Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Always. Why listen to him? Listen to me. I know what is best, and I care for you.

Pete stumbles around; the voices continue crying out from all around him. Although his dream had them coming from the distance, at this point in time, the whispers are all around him.

As he stumbles around, he trips over a tree root, and lands in water, face first. His head is underwater, but the voices are still prevalent. He tries to swing his legs down and touches the bottom of the river. He brings his head above the water and realizes he is moving down stream. The only good news, Pete can think of, is that the voices are gone.

He begins to tread water and keeps the head perpendicular to the flow of stream. As he swims, he notices the stream moves quicker. He swims faster hoping to reach the edge of the river, but it seems to be of no hope.

The water picks up too much speed at this point and 'thump,' he hits something with his head. He feels blood coming out of his forehead, and he becomes light headed. As he floats farther down the river, he begins to lose consciousness.

Pete has no hope and at this point and begins to have a conversation like the desperate conversation last time.

Soon, Pete speaks to himself, and this would be a funny moment to watch or listen, but for Pete, he is alone.

"What! You don't want to talk to me now? Yeah, when I actually need help of course. Guess I'm just gunna die out here." Pete screams in a hysterical manner.

After swallowing water and yelling, Pete passes out.

Encountering Darkness: The Great Pursuit (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now