Chapter Fourteen

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Pete awoke to the sound of the voice still continuing to talk.

"Oh, you remember what happened. You stood there yourself. I am the reason for your success and I am the reason you are the way you are. I am also the reason you will be destroyed! You will die because of me. You cannot try to escape it now. And no, you will not die the way you expect you would, you will be dead in this world and the next world. Oh...I see it in your eyes. You have already been there. Well, tell me, how has it been."

"Well, um, what are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I am talking about, there is no need to deny it now. This is you fault and you failed. You cannot succeed. You cannot beat me."

"What? This cannot be real, this has to be a joke."

"This is no joke. This is life, and your life at that."

Pete walked around the room and could not believe what he heard. This voice told him a bunch of insane things. There was no way that all of this was true. This was too much, but maybe this explained all the crazy things that had been happening the past months.

Pete walked back to his chair and froze. He now could see an image on the screen of the TV. It was the scene of him four years ago talking to himself, and saying crazy things about wanting to be the best mayor ever, and he would do anything to get there.

The voice continued to talk to Pete, "I cannot be too mad though, because of you I can fully take this town. You really did a great job. Well, I gave you the gift, but still, you did your service quite nicely."

This was too much for Pethaford to bear, and he fell to the floor. What has he done? Where was the spirit he had before? Where was the fight and the drive that was in him? Where was the attitude of power? Where was it now? He felt nothing. He felt empty and he didn't know what to do about it.

Pete turned around and began to talk to the TV, but the front door right next to him swung open. Pethaford approached the door and noticed that the sun was out. He heard birds. He had never been so excited hearing the birds before, but it was nice to have sun and sound. He took a step down the stairs and put both feet on the ground. He dropped to both knees and smelled the grass.

How wonderful the grass smelled, thought Pethaford! This was something I had taken for granted for oh so long.

Pete stood on his feet and began walking around the town. He passed Main Street and people were out and about. He passed by the local beauty parlor, the salon, the library and he saw people were everywhere. Many people were laughing and everyone seemed to be having a good time. A few people noticed him and waved.

He walked into the bar hoping to find Tom. Tom was right in his usual spot, and when he spotted Pete he turned away.

Pete walked up to Tom and began talking with him.

"Hey Tom, so this might sound crazy, but what day is it."

"Oh you know Pete, you don't need to get all snobbish about it already. Yes, you destroyed the building yesterday so no one can go the building today."

Pete stopped and reflected to himself. This was the morning after. Meaning everything that happened last night only took a night, and he was still here in his town.

Now Pete had no clue what to think, but he took a seat right next to Tom. A second later Zach entered the bar and looked at Tom and Pete.

"Hey guys, of course I would see you both here. So, this is kind of sweet." Zach motioned with his hand towards the window.

"Yeah," said Tom. "Everyone is out and about, doing their duty as citizens."

"Well," said Zach, "that's one way to put it, but now we can do whatever we want; we don't have to worry about that building anymore."

"And that's exactly the problem," stated Tom.

"What? Tom, weren't you one to support this? At the fair you got on the stage and was all gung-ho about it."

"True, but that was only because I was suppose too."

"Yeah that's right, it was Pete who really wanted this to be done, and done it is. So, Pete you have been quiet. What do you say?"

Pete could only look at the table. A few days ago, he would have been so sure about what he did, but now he wasn't. He did not understand what to believe anymore.

"Yeah, I'm not sure anymore..."

"What?" Tom made a hard left towards Pete and got right up in Pete's face. "Remember only a month ago when you grabbed me by the throat and threatened me? What do you mean by you don't know anymore?"

"Well, Tom it's kind of lot to tell you. I mean I had all this crap happen."

"I don't get it? Has the great Mayor Pete Pethaford lost it? What happened to you?"

"Okay, I'll tell you both, but you will promise me not to tell anyone, and we need to go to a more private place. And once I start talking, you cannot interrupt me or ask questions till I am done."

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