He looked at me curiously as he saw the angry color swelling up from my neck and into my cheeks. He backed away from the door, allowing me to enter the room. I looked him up and down, noticing that he was shirtless. I flushed an even darker shade of red and was glad that I was already crimson with rage so Liam wouldn’t notice my reaction to his sculpted pecs and his washboard abs. His tanned skin…his chiseled biceps… FOCUS GOD DAMN IT!

            “Liam, we need to talk!” I shouted spontaneously after staring at him for at least five minutes.

            “What’s wrong, Ni?” He whispered, his chocolate brown eyes growing wide with concern as he drew closer to me. He cupped my cheek in his hand and slowly brushed his thumb across the skin. I sighed as his eyes locked with mine; his gaze was just so intoxicating. I could stare into those deep brown orbs for hours…

            “No, STOP,” I insisted, smacking his hand away from me. Liam looked at me with an extremely hurt expression and backed away several feet. “Don’t act so loving towards me when you don’t mean it!”

            “Why would you ever think that I don’t mean it?” Liam asked, rushing over to me but still keeping some distance between us.

            “Because, you only ever kiss me or touch me or even look at me when we are here, in the bedroom. Anywhere else we go you just completely ignore me! You’re obviously ashamed to be with me. It’s like all you want me for is to have someone to snog at the end of the day! You act like I mean nothing to you and I can’t handle these mixed signals! Either you want me or you don’t. Either you love me or you don’t. You can’t have it both ways!” I bellowed.

            “And you haven’t even taken me on a date,” I choked out as an afterthought.

            “Niall James Horan, don’t you ever dare think that I’m ashamed of you. I love you more than anything. The only reason that I don’t do anything is because I thought that’s what you wanted. You wanted to keep our relationship a secret from the world so that’s what I’ve been doing. I never meant to make you feel unloved,” Liam whispered, placing his hand back on my cheek and smiling at me. “And as for the date…just name the place and I’ll be there.”

            My breath hitched in surprise; this was not at all what I had been expecting. I thought…well I’m not even sure what I thought.

            “Oh Liam,” I sighed, wrapping my arms around him and burrowing my face into his neck.

            “And Niall, I promise I want you for more than snogging,” Liam whispered, his lips brushing against my ear. “Although it’s great, I love everything about you not just that.”

            I felt my face flush bright red at this comment. I wasn’t sure where to go from here and I didn’t want to know that he caught me off guard so I decided to play it off as a joke.

“Oh, good I was worried that I was just another one of your whores,” I replied with a grin.

            “None of my whores could ever compare to you,” Liam grinned, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me off the ground. I gasped in surprise as he brushed his lips against mine, just swift chaste kisses that left me yearning for more. I dug my nails into his shoulder blades, trying to get my point across. It worked.

            Liam nipped at my bottom lip, coaxing a groan from my throat. Suddenly Liam tossed me onto his bed and just looked at me from across the room. His head was cocked to the side and he was studying me with a look of curiosity on his face. I huffed in annoyance and he smirked at me. Did Liam Payne just smirk at me? I think so… Liam Payne DOES NOT smirk…where the fuck is this coming from?

            I was so astounded by that stupid smirk on Liam’s face that I hadn’t noticed him slowly prowling towards me in a very lion-esque manner. The thing that finally drew me out of my thoughts was him pouncing on top of me and slamming his lips to mine. The force of his weight slammed my back into the mattress. Once again I gasped in surprise.

            Liam planted both of his hands on the mattress on either side of my face in a very predatory position. He nipped at my bottom lip again then slowly trailed gentle kisses down to my neck. His warm breath tickled my skin and I had to bite my tongue to prevent my giggles. Suddenly Liam bit down into the skin of my neck, causing me to dig my nails into his back and release a lengthy moan of pleasure.

            Liam pulled away and a grin spread across his face as he inspected his handiwork.

            “Don’t be too proud Payne,” I whispered huskily as I gently felt the swiftly bruising flesh of my neck.

            “That’s gonna last days; I deserve to be proud,” he smirked as he pressed his lips back to mine with a burning hunger in his eyes. Liam slowly ran his hands along my torso and up under my shirt. A shiver coursed up my spine in response to his cold hands on my heated skin. I felt his grin against my lips, but only for a moment before he ripped my shirt off of me in one fluid motion.

            Suddenly I felt very self conscious; sure Liam had seen me without a shirt before but I knew this was different. This was more…at least it was going to be. I could see where this was going…and it was going there quickly. My cheeks flushed deep crimson as I noticed him watching me.

            “There’s no need to feel self conscious, Niall, I think you’re perfect,” Liam whispered, leaning into me and planting a gentle kiss on my neck.

            That only made me blush an even darker red. Damn you, Liam. How can you always tell exactly what I’m thinking?

            Liam glanced at me and started chuckling at my expression. He pressed his lips to my ear and whispered: “I love you, Niall James Horan.”

            A shiver ran down my spine as he pressed his chilled hands against my stomach once more. He grinned down at me and stripped his own shirt off. Slowly he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.

            “I love you…” he breathed against my lips.

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