Chapter Seven

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Here's another chapter that has a song that goes along with it! At the Play Audio play the song For Blue Skies by Strays Don't Sleep as you finish the rest of the chapter! Hope you enjoy. I worked on this chapter longer than any other chapter because it was really important to me. I absolutely love this chapter! 

Harry’s POV

            “I can’t believe you’ve been keeping that from us! Harry, that’s bad… You should’ve told someone sooner!” Niall said in distress.

            “Well, I had a hard time admitting that it was true to myself let alone any of you guys. My family doesn’t even know…” I sighed, avoiding his eyes.

            Niall gasped in shock. “You’ve got to tell your family, Harry, they need to know; you can’t hide this from them,” Niall insisted, looking at me intensely.

            “I know but it’s just… so hard to tell people,” I whispered, looking down at my hands folded in my lap.

            “Well, if you won’t tell the rest of the lads, then you at least have to tell your family,” Niall said.

            “I will, eventually, now isn’t the right time…” I muttered.

            “Harry, listen to me,” Niall demanded. I looked over at him sheepishly and waited for him to continue. “There will never be a ‘right time’ for you to tell them. You just have to do it.”

            “Fine, I’ll tell my mom,” I lied.

            “Good,” Niall said, nodding his head once in satisfaction; he obviously couldn’t tell that I was lying. “Now… as for Louis…”

            “No, Niall, no. I don’t want to talk about that,” I replied, holding my hands up.

            Niall continued on as if I hadn’t spoken. “Now that I know what you’ve told me I say: you’ve absolutely got to tell him immediately!” Niall said, waving his hands above his head.


            “You have to,” Niall insisted. “It’s not optional.”

            “This is my life and I will live it the way I want to,” I snapped, crossing my arms and turning my head away defiantly.

            Niall glared at me, completely serious, as he said: “YOLO.”

            “I can’t believe you just used that in real life,” I replied, chuckling.

            “But it’s true, you really only live once, and in your case…” Niall said, trailing off as he looked at me and bit his lip nervously.

            “I know Niall, and maybe I will tell him one day. But that day is not today,” I replied with a tone of finality.

            “But Harry!” Niall whined.

            “No, Niall, end of story,” I said definitively.

            “Hey lads, what are you chatting about?” Liam asked with a grin as he sauntered into the room.

            Niall tried to hide his grin at the sight of Liam, but I still saw it. I chuckled to myself at the thought of them together; they really would be perfect for each other. They do say that your best relationships come from your best friendships or something along those lines…

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