Chapter Five

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Alright, this chapter is a bit different, so pull out your headphones! There's going to be a point where it'll say Play Audio and you need to listen to Why by Seconhand Serenade. It should be on the side for you to play, but if it doesn't work for some reason I'm sorry about the incovenience but Youtube isn't that hard to get to ;) 

   Harry’s POV

            “Hazza?” Louis’ sleepy voice called through the darkness of our room.

            “Yeah Boo?” I whispered back.

            “Did you ‘member to take your medicine?” He slurred in his almost asleep state.

            “No, I didn’t!” I replied, shooting out of bed and scurrying over to my bag; I kept bumping into things along the way. Where the fuck is my bag?

            Finally I tripped over a large something at the foot of Lou’s bed. “What’s this?” I demanded snatching it up. “Oh it’s my bag!”

            I unzipped the bag and rummaged around. Where’s my damn pill bottle? I stood up and angrily lumbered over to the light and switched it on. I returned to where my bag lay on the floor and dumped all its contents on the floor. I sorted through everything and my heart stopped. Where is my pill bottle?

            I heard Louis trying to contain giggles on his bed. I glared over at him. “What is so funny?” I demanded impatiently.

            “Looking for something?” He teased as he wiggled my pill bottle in his fingers.

            “What the hell Louis?” I bellowed as I jumped on top of him ending up with my legs straddling him.

            He didn’t say anything only continued to laugh.

            “I don’t understand why you think this is funny in the slightest,” I hissed as I try to snatch the bottle from his hands. I finally caught a hold of his hands and leaned all of my weight forward to get a better grip. Louis took advantage of the positioning of my weight and ripped the bottle from my hands, causing me to fall forward so that our bodies were pressed together and our noses touching.

            I couldn’t breathe; he was far too close and my brain was starting to get foggy. I tried to get up, but his hand slapped around my wrist and pulled me back down.

            “Louis what are you-?” I began.

            “Sleep in my bed tonight,” he said, cutting me off. “We haven’t spent enough time together recently, and I want to be with you.”

            I blushed deep red. “W-what do you mean by that?” I whispered shakily as I gazed into his deep blue eyes.

            “What do you ‘what do I mean’?” Louis replied, slightly annoyed. “I want to spend some time with my best mate is what I mean! We’ve been so busy with the kick off of this tour and with you being in the hospital. I feel like we haven’t talked in ages. I miss you is all.”

            “Oh,” I replied disappointed.

            “Well what do you want to talk about then…?” I whispered as I rolled off of him and nestled my head on his shoulder as I lay next to him.

            “Eleanor,” he replied.

            I couldn’t stop myself from sighing in annoyance. Her again, why does he always have to talk about her…and to her…and spend time with her?

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