Chapter 14

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The day seemed to fly by. I did outstanding on my muggle studies quiz, Hagrid was surprised that I remembered some of the creatures' names that he himself had trouble remembering, and I didn't blow up a feather in charms. I was really proud of myself, until potions came. We had to make a blabbering beverage, suppose to make the drinker blabber uncontrollably. He didn't say anything to the other students other that they had done this or that wrong, but when he got to me he started to tell me everything that was wrong with the potion. Even though it was close to being the actual potion.

" Well at least I didn't almost blow you and myself up!", I screamed at him when he was done with the list of everything that was wrong with my potion. " 15 points from Hufflepuff and detention today and tomorrow.", he hissed before stalking back to his desk.

I almost started to scream at him, but I stopped myself. Well at least I had a reason for detention other than Dumbledore just assigning it to me. I still wasn't looking forward to this at all.

When class was was over all the other kids left, leaving me there to " talk about our problems" and I had a detention too. This was going to be loads of fun. ( note the sarcasm.)


Y'all I'm sorry for the shirt chapter, but I have like no ideas to lead up to where I want this story to end at. I know where I want it to go, but I have no idea how to get it there.. I'm sorry guys. I will try to get some ideas and will update when I get them I promise. If you have any ideas or something that might help please inbox me. Thanks.

~ Love Donna

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