chapter 54

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I sat there just thinking about my life until the sun came up. And once it did i untangled myself and grabbed my bag. I then made my way to the great hall.

When i got there there weren't many people. Most people were probably packing up the last of their things and would be there soon.

I sat down at the Hufflepuff table and sighed. I looked around trying to take in as much as i could so i could remember this place. Since it would be the last time I'd ever set foot here.

I looked up at the ceiling to see the floating snow that was an illusion. I looked at the house banners and i remember what they stood for. I looked up at the giant Christmas trees that Hagrid had brought in and Professor Flitwick had decorated.

I looked down the long tables and imaged them being packed full of people and food. I tried to remember the low rumble that the hall made when everyone was talking and having a good time. I tried to remember what it felt like to first walk into this hall.

And finally i looked up at the Professor's table. I looked from chair to chair and pictured every professor in there seats. My eyes stopped on Dumbledore's chair and i smiled. He was always so much nicer than he should be to me. And i hoped that me leaving wouldn't hurt him.

My eyes then feel onto Snape's chair. I fought back the tears that started to well up in my eyes. I didn't want to remember him as the man that hated my guts because of what George had done. I wanted to remember him as the man that i had fallen in love with. The man that i shared my first kiss with. The man i had my first dance with.

The man that got mad at me for plummeting to the ground on a broom stick. The man that i had my first date with. And the man that i would always love.

Because he was so much like myself. He was miss read and miss treated. He was bitter and mean only because people were bitter and mean to him. But he was just a person. He had feelings and those feelings had been hurt time and time again. And as soon as he started to let his feelings out again he got hurt because of me.

Because i had friends that wanted to prove a point and while proving it they completely destroyed any chance of me seeing the man that was really behind the facade that Snape used. The same one that i use.

I closed my eyes and tried to tune everyone out. Just so i could remember all the little things about him. They would be the only thing that i had left of him. And i wanted to keep them as fresh in my mind as i could. So that the memories, and him, wouldn't fade away. I wanted to remember him for the rest of my life.

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