Chapter 36

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When I got up the next morning Snape wasn't in his quarters. It looked like he was still mad. Which wasn't going to be good for his classes today, or me.

I grabbed my stuff and headed off to the library, to study with Fred and George. Hopefully that could make today a bit better.

When I got to the library the twins weren't there. So I sat at our usual table and took out some of the transfigurations books I had gotten and started to go over the section we are suppose to go over today.

I sat there reading for about an hour before I looked up and realised that the twins still hasn't showed up, and they always showed up for study. This was really unlike them.

So I put the books back into my bag and went to go find them. I walked around a couple of corners and heard some voices.

" I have told you both before to stay away from Miss Payne.", I heard Snape hiss.

" You aren't the boss of us", Fred said back.

" And why should we, you afraid we are going to end up taking her away from you?", George said back.

I walked around the corner to see Snape holding George against the wall, " You are both to stay away from her!"

Fred went to say something but I cut him off, " Professor.. I have a question when you have a moment.."

All three of them looked over at me and Snape let go of George. The twins went to take a step towards me but I held a hand up, " We'll talk later. Now please go guys."

They looked at me and walked off.

" What was that about Professor?", I asked once they were gone.

" I have told them to stay away from you and they weren't listening.", Snape replies.

" They were helping me pass transfigurations and herbology, that is it.", I said.

" I don't care.", he hissed.

" And why is that?", I asked.

" It doesn't matter.", Snape replied and went to walk away.

I grabbed his arm, " It matters to me. So please tell me."

Before I could blink he had turned around, pushed me against the wall, and smashed his lips to mine. I was shocked, could this mean that he liked me back?

He went to pull away, but I kissed back. Maybe Dumbledore was right.

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