Chapter 9

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It didn't take long for Dumbledore to rise his head out if the water and look at me. His face held nothing but confusion. " How can this be? How can this be?", he kept mumbling to himself.

He looked back at me," He is going to have to see this."

" No! He is not to see this!", I screamed. " I would rather go back 'home' than to have him see this!"

By this time Dumbledore was losing his patients, " You need to get to class Jasmine. And Professor Snape will be informed about this. That is final. Now off to class."

I didn't say anything. I just turned around so fast that my chocolate brown hair billowed out behind me and basically ran back to my dorm. There was no way that I was going to go to class. And there was no way that I was bloody happy about Dumbledore telling Snape about that memory and showing him.


I threw myself onto my bed and screamed into the pillows. I was beyond bloody pissed at the moment. All I wanted to do was to scream until I couldn't talk anymore. Then my big mouth couldn't get me into trouble anymore. I wonder if there was anything magical that could take my voice away..

I rolled out if bed to go search for a book in the library, there had to be some kind of spell or something like that.

I jumped off my bed, grabbed my wand, and tore down the halls to get to the library.


It didn't take that long to find a books that had different spells in them. Now the hard part was to look through all of them to find a spell that could help.

It didn't take me that long to find a spell. I took my wand out and pointed it at myself before saying, " Silencio."

I put my wand down and tried to scream, but nothing came out. I smiled triumphantly to myself and started to put the books back before going back to the dorm.

Hopefully there isn't a professor that is smart enough to realise what I did. I would just have to keep my fingers crossed and hopefully I can keep my voice gone.

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