" Peach juice"

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Y/N's pov

I frown in the wake of darkness, trying hard to not strangle anybody who walks past this almost empty classroom.

I was unfortunately late for class this morning and had to serve a horrible 2 hours after school detention.

I didnt think it would be this bad, since the boys all had earned detention with me and was instructed to stay for the full 2 hours.

But. They hadn't even showed up after school.

I am stuck with 3 other girl students who are staring daggers right into the back of my head. I dont even know these girls to begin with but I have a feeling that they despise me.

Its just a hunch.

It has been an hour and 40 minutes, sitting in this blocked off and isolated classroom, doing nothing but staring at the plain chalkboard at the front of the class.

I thought at least the boys might pick me up from this torture, so I had sent them a number of ordering text messages, saying...

" Where are you?"

" Why aren't u at detention?"

" You bastard! Answer my messages!"

" Can u please pick me up?"

" Ayo~"

" Hello~"

And after a full hour of sending similar messages to the boys, I gave up and came to a conclusion.

I am officially talking to 7 walls.

I peer behind me to see that the girls who were giving me weird glances, were sneaking out the window of the detention room, and gracefully escaping off of school grounds.

Why would they decide to escape detention now? There are only 2 minutes before we could leave!

At that thought a booming sound had echoed throughout the classroom. That one noise had answered my question for me.

It was going to thunder storm. And I dont have an umbrella.

My eyes scan the windows of the room, noticing that the once clear and clean windows were now drenched with raindrops and reflecting hectic lightening strikes.


I hate the dark so I made a decision, right here, right now.

Get the fuck away from this school!

I scurried out of the detention room and right out of the front door of the school. The water was cold, like mini ice cubes were slapping my skin.

The thunder roared throughout Seoul, warning every civilian to get into their homes as fast as they can.

I had taken my backpack and raised it over my head as I sprinted down street by street, heading to the Bts apartment.

It took me about 10 minutes to finally reach the front door of our apartment, but once I did, my clothes and backpack were already soaked through.

I cant believe it! How could the boys not come to detention, not answer my texts and not drive me home in the pouring rain?!

I sluggishly open the door to the apartment with a wet key and toss my rubbish backpack to the ground.

I take off my light blue converse, which now looks like aqua since the whole shoe seems be made out of water.

I look into my shoe to see water had filled them up all the way to the back of its heel, and now I cant believe i was running in these.

I leave puddles of water behind me as I make my way to the bathroom but something catches my eye.

In the living room on the sofa, lays seven handsome men sprawled out sleeping soundly despite the thunder booming outside, or the constant spark of light coming from the windows because of frequent lightning.

Their phones are tossed on the floor, their screens lighting up every now and then to inform them that they had missed a message from me.

" Morons..." I whisper.

I huff in annoyance and make my way quietly to the bathroom, taking all my soaked clothes and hanging them up to dry, while dumping the water from my shoes in the sink.

I take my soaking hair and tie it up in a messy bun, and then find new clothes to wear.

I go into Taehyungs room and get a sweater from his closet and go to jungkooks to get a pair of rather large slippers.

I go into my room after collecting the stuff I wanted from the boys and dress in my under garments and short shorts, putting on the boys stuff afterwards.

I head out to the kitchen, grabbing a small granola bar.

I look into the fridge, scanning through the drinks thinking what i might have for the night. I make sure to ignore rhe liquor that has been bought by the boys and try to find some juice that sounds good.

I see a bottle of an orange, yellowish liquid. It was in a pretty big filter, and it reminds me of peach juice.

I haven't had that In awhile. I grab the filter and a big glass, depending how much i miss peach juice, I head into my room.

My nose is quite stuffy from being in the cold rain, so i Unfortuanally cant smell the drink.

I smile to myself as i pour the liquid in my cup, so focused on the drama playing on my phone that i dont even peer at my cup as i place it to my lips and excitedly gulp the glass down.

Why does this peach juice taste so weird? Did the boys buy it expired?

I dont know why, but i get a tingly feeling as i gulped down the last bit of it. Did Peach juice always have this taste and affect on me?

I dont know why but I cant stop pouring the juice in my glass and gulp it down as the drama continues playing, but I'm not really paying attention.

How did everything become so funny to me? I cant seem to stop laughing as I watch the girl confess to the boy and him decline her love. Whats wrong with me? Dont I usually cry at these parts.

Everything is becoming hazy as I get up, I cant control my body.

How many glasses of that juice did I have? I cant remember. I giddily dance to my bed side table and pour the rest of the filter in my glass, some of the new liquid spilling to the floor.

I giggle as I make my way throughout the  halls in the house, every picture I see making me laugh outloud.

I stumble a bit over my feet as I gulp down the glass and tumble into the kitchen.

I need more of this stuff! Why is peach juice so damn needful now, I feel so alive.

I chuckle as I shuffle through the stuff in the fridge, knocking glass bottles to the floor as I try to fine more.

A similar color of drink had caught my eye as I see a single glass of peach juice left.

The boys were probably steeling some glasses of my peach juice. Those sneaky boys.

I laugh, one again.

The cluttering I made must have awoke someone because when I was devouring the last glass of peach juice I found in the fridge, I heard a groggy vioce from behind me.

" Y/N what happened?!"

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