Part 34 : change of plans

Start from the beginning

Me : "i knew it, i always knew it. I'm a war machine. That will never change. I've accepted that a while ago"


(A/N) : "sorry for the bad sound effect!!! 😊

I felt pain on my cheeks. I opened my eyes to see Pyrrha with an angered expression on her face with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Pyrrha : "HOW YOU COULD SAY THAT!!!!" I was shocked to say the least.

Me : "huh ?"

Pyrrha : "IS THAT REALLY WHAT YOU BELIEVE ?!!!" She asked in anger.

Me : "yes, just look at what i'm about to do"


(A/N) : can one if you guys tell me how to write a slap sound effect ? This is just pathetic 😊


Me : "well, it depends"


Me : "I...... I think...... No, it's not" i felt shame as i said that.

Pyrrha : "THEN DON'T DO IT!!!"

Me : "but i have to"

Pyrrha : "Then use that brilliant head of yours to think of a better way, a good way" she said it calmly with a gentle smile. I was ashamed, why didn't i think about that sooner ? If i was really going to kill people just to get dusts, then i really haven't changed.

Me : "Thank you.... Pyrrha. I really don't know what i'll be without you" her cheeks suddenly went red.

Marie : "try not to be too happy about it" Marie said to Pyrrha. She really is a good person to be happy for me. I'm glad that i met her.

Pyrrha : "stop it Marie!!" She said looking embarrassed. Why ? She's a good person. She shouldn't be embarrassed.

Me : "thank you, I can't thank you enough. Pyrrha, Marie and everyone else has done so much for me. I hope one day i can pay you guys back" i said as they both hugged me. It lasted for quite a while before everything went bright.

I opened my eyes to see that i'm back in top of the roof where me and Neo fell asleep on. I looked to the right to see Neo herself sleeping calmly. I need to get going soon. If i'm not mistaken, today was supposed to be the day of the raid. I have to stop it while thinking of a better way to conduct the raid. A way that won't require any single casualty. But I can't just leave her here. I promised her that i would take her with me. I approached her and shook her shoulders to wake her up. As her eyes opened up, i could hear a small yawn that resembles that of a child.

Me : "i'm sorry to wake you up Neo, but we have to go" i said as she took her scroll.

Neo : "where are we going ?"

Me : "the Branwen tribe"

Neo : "you mean the band of thieves and bandits, why would you go there ?"

The last guard : RWBY x male reader Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now