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"charlie!" calum exclaimed as i walked into his apartment. i smiled, letting him wrap his long arms around my body.

"excited to see me calum?" i laughed, still engulfed in his tight embrace. his face was nuzzled down in my neck, as i was too short to nuzzle mine into his.

he pulled away, a serious expression now on his face, "yeah, i finally figured out what i want. i knew before you had even you asked, i was just afraid that you wouldn't feel the same way."

i grabbed calum's hand, and led him to the couch, sitting down beside him. our knees touched as we faced each other.

"what do you want?" i asked, rubbing my thumb against the top of calum's hand slowly.

he let out a deep breath, closing his eyes, "i want to be more than friends."

i smiled, watching as he slowly opened his eyes again, looking at me unsure.

"you do feel that way, right? i mean, you said you did so why-" i cut off his rambling, grabbing the back of his head and pushing his lips onto mine.

i shut my eyes, savoring the moment. the feeling of calum's lips sent electricity through my veins, it was a feeling i never wanted to let end. i loved how it felt.

i pulled away slowly, and laid my forehead against calum's, looking into his eyes. my fingers were twirling his hair inbetween my fingers.

"of course i feel the same way." i whispered, watching as his eyes flickered between my own and my lips.

he closed his eyes once again, pushing his mouth onto mine, our lips working together slowly. i felt calum's hand trail across my thigh, making it's way under my shirt. it landed on my hip, rubbing small circles on the skin, bringing a tingling sensation all over my body.

calum pulled away, but his hand was still working on my hip gently. his eyes locked with mine, our heavy breaths filling the quiet room.

no words were spoken, we just sat and watched each other, letting our breathing return back to normal.


"i'll take this cali sunrise with me, and wake up with the fondest memories." calum sang as my fingers expertly plucked the strings on my guitar.

i noticed him look up at me, almost as if he was asking if he was doing alright. i nodded, giving him a smile. i could tell it encouraged him, because he then shut his eyes and put more effort into his singing.

"i'll never go back to georgia, not at least till i have to, down and to the left." he finished, and i put my guitar down beside me.

"you did great! man, am i glad that i met you. i finally have someone to sing my songs for me, and it's almost as if we made our own mini band, minus the drums and bass." i said, writing a note beside the song jamie all over in my journal.

"i play bass." calum mumbled, and i glanced up from my journal, raising an eyebrow.

"you do?"

"yeah, i just never told you because... i don't know, i just never did." calum shrugged, and i chuckled, shaking my head.

i finished writing stuff down in my journal, then laid it down in front of calum.

we were currently sitting criss-cross on the roof of our apartment building, facing each other. i grabbed calum's hands and brought them into my lap, looking at him seriously.

"this is important, i didn't just make you sing a bunch of random songs for nothing." i said, and calum squinted his eyes.

"then why did you?"

"well, i got us a little gig next saturday. it's at that small café we went to the day after we met. i know we haven't played a lot since we met each other, but i'm confident that we'll do good." i explained, trying to gauge calum's reaction.

"you what? i don't want to sing in front of people!" he exclaimed, pulling his hands away from mine.

i let out a sigh, "i was afraid that you would say that. but, if you do it i'll give you a nice present." i smirked, giving calum a little wink.

"you mean you'll give me a blowjob? because that's what you're making it look like it's gonna be." he said, and i burst out laughing. here he was with the blowjob talk again.

"oh god no, i meant that i'd take you out to dinner!" i exclaimed, still laughing. calum rolled his eyes, which surprised me, usually he was shy. i guess he still thought the same as he did when he was drunk.

"oh, that's still pretty good too." calum smiled.

"so, will you do it now?" i asked, becoming serious again.

"i don't think so, i might have a panic attack and pass out on you. you wouldn't want that, now would you."

i bit my lip, "we won't be the only ones singing, it's like a free night, other people will be doing it too. basically like a karaoke night, but we'll be playing instruments and singing our own music."

calum let out a sigh, looking fustrated. even though he said that he didn't want to do it, i could tell that he actually did, but he thought that he wouldn't be able to deal with it. the thing was, was that i knew he would be able to handle it. as soon as he would look at me while singing, i would give him a small smile, and he would be fine. whenever i smiled at calum, it was like putting a bandaid over a cut, i took away his nervousness. my smile being the bandaid, and his uneasiness being the cut.

"well, if you've already signed up, we can't really back out, can we?" calum asked, and i nodded.

"i guess we'll have to practice the songs a lot more then, so we might as well start now." he grabbed my notebook, opening it up.

"so you're not going to make me sing and play guitar by myself?"

"no, i'll do it." calum reassured me, and i nodded, giving him an appreciative smile.

"we can play two songs, so out of the ones we just played, choose your favorites."

i watched as he flipped through the pages of my journal a bit, holding onto pages he preferred. it was around five minutes later when his eyes finally met mine, confirming that he had finished.

"what did you choose?" i asked, and calum handed me my journal, showing me the two songs he had picked.

"ghosts and stay." he answered, and i nodded, i knew those pretty well. i had shown him the songs i had already learned on the guitar so that he could take my journal and memorize the lyrics, whereas i could practice playing the songs without it.

"you really like that song i wrote you?"

"yeah, it was amazing! i sang it for a week straight in the shower after you gave it to me." calum grinned, tucking his hands in the sleeves of his black sweater, forming sweater paws.

"that's good to hear, i put a lot of work into that song. i'm happy that it was put to use."

"it definitely was, now should we start with the practice session?"

i nodded, laying my guitar back on my lap. i tuned it specifically for stay, then started strumming the beginning of the song.


darn calum and his blowjob obsession. [eh chapter]

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