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"finished!" calum exclaimed, and i let out a long needed sigh, almost falling off of the stool i had been sitting on for hours.

"how does it look?" i asked, standing up and stretching.

"i think it looks okay," he said, wiping his cheek, leaving a smear of blue paint across it.

i walked next to calum, looking at his now colorful easel.

"holy fuck," i breathed out, my eyes widening.

the painting looked absolutely amazing. i hadn't expected it to look as good as it did, it wasn't that i doubted calum's painting ability, it was just beyond my expectations.

"you like it?" he asked, looking at me with a hopeful expression.

i nodded, wrapping a single arm around calum's waist, pulling him closer to me as i kissed him on the cheek, "i love it! it looks perfect!"

calum smiled, looking down at me, "i'm so happy to hear that, because im about to pass out from exhaustion. standing up like that for hours on end really took a toll on my feet."

"well, we obviously have to let it dry, so let's just call it a night, or should i say morning?" i said, referring to the fact that it was currently about four in the morning.

calum nodded, grabbing my hand and leading me back to his bed. when we laid down, no words were shared as the two of us were completely exhausted.


two weeks had passed since calum had painted the potrait of me, and nothing much has happened since.

the only exciting thing that happened over the fourteen day period was when calum took me clothes shopping and finally bought me a new sweatshirt after the tree-climbing incident.

but, today something big would finally be happening. something that i didn't want to tell calum about, but knew i had to.

"charlie!" calum exclaimed when he saw me walk through his apartment door.

he ran over to me from his original position on the couch, immediately wrapping me in his long arms. i would miss how his hugs felt.

"hi, calum," i mumbled into his chest, lingering onto the hug longer than i had planned on.

"why do you sound so sad?" he asked, pulling away from the hug.

i bit my lip, "do i sound sad? i'm not sad, promise."

"are you sure? you look upset."

i shook my head, "i'm one hundred percent sure that i'm fine."

"if you say so," calum shrugged, walking back to the couch.

i followed him, sitting beside him on the couch. i wasn't exactly sure when i should break the news to calum, but i knew i would have to soon.

"i'm not really up for going out and walking around town today, so how do you feel about just relaxing here and watching tv?" he asked, putting an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close.

"that sounds amazing, actually," i said, laying my head against calum's chest.

he grabbed the controller for his tv, hitting a few buttons, then laid it back down when some show on the history channel came up.

"i'm not a big fan of tv, so i don't know what we should watch," calum mumbled.

"it doesn't matter what we watch, i'm here with you, that's good enough for me," i mumbled, laying an arm across calum's stomach, holding him tightly.

"you're cheesy," calum laughed.

"not as cheesy as you," i pointed out, pulling away from his grip.

i had to say it, i had to tell him.

"true, i'm a very cheesy person."

"i'm leaving for two weeks," i blurted out.

calum furrowed his eyebrows, "what?"

"i'm leaving for two weeks, tomorrow," i said, frowning.

"why? where are you going?" he asked, worry starting to fill his dark brown eyes.

"london, out of the country. my family lives there. only my parents and siblings live here, which is why i'm so close to them, they're all i have. i'm still not exactly sure why they left london to be honest, ridiculous, right?" i laughed nervously, still feeling extremely uneasy.

"you mean, you'll be on the other side of the world, far away from me?" calum asked, his voice sounding weak.

i nodded, "it's dumb, i know, but my parents are forcing me to, so i kinda have to go. i'm already packed and everything, and my flight leaves tomorrow morning around five."

"this is such short notice, charlie, i wish you would've told me sooner," calum said, holding onto my hands tightly.

"i know, i know, i'm sorry," i mumbled, feeling guilty.

"fuck, how am i going supposed to live without you for two weeks?" he asked.

"i don't know, calum, i don't know."


this seemed really dumb and cliche oops but like i'll explain more in the next chapter i had to make this short for right now because i'm busy but i wanted to update for you guys bc ily

i feel like nobody likes this story anymore idk

p.s. - not edited once again, sorry i'll edit it on thursday i promise

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