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"calum, i came by to see if you wanted to go out and get a- calum, are you drunk?" i asked, walking into his apartment.

there was a sickly-looking calum on the couch, i could see a bucket next to him, which i suggested was full of vomit.

"who, me? no, i'm not drunk!" calum laughed, starting to stand up. he wobbled over to me, laying a hand on my shoulder, he brought his lips next to my ear, "i have a secret to tell you. sometimes, when i'm alone, i like to try and draw you." he whispered, making my eyes widen.

calum pulled away, laughing, "but i can never seem to get your eyes right. those damned eyes of yours, i love them so much." he sighed.

had calum just told me that he loved my eyes? i guess he was drunk, so i wasn't really sure whether he was just in a giggly mood, or if he was being serious. either way, i took it as a complement.

"calum, you're drunk, you should go to sleep. have you been drinking water?" i asked, ignoring all that he was saying. i felt as though i needed to treat him like a baby.

"i'm not drunk, i've never had a drink in my life! well, maybe just one." calum smirked at me, stumbling backwards onto his couch.

i sighed, shaking my head, "you're lucky i care about you so much."

calum just sat on the couch, staring at me with a puppy-dog expression on his face. his widened dark chocolate eyes watched me intently.

i went over by the couch, grabbing calum's arm. i tried to make him stand up, but it was almost as if he was completely made of deadweight.

"stand up, please!" i tugged harder on calum's arm, and he followed my orders. he stood up next to me, and i carefully guided him to his bedroom.

before i let him lay down, i started to remove his black sweater. i couldn't just let him sleep in it, first of all, he was sweating like a pig. second of all, he might throw up on it, and that was something i just couldn't risk. i knew how much he loved that sweater, and if calum sobered up and saw it covered in vomit, then he most definitely wouldn't be happy.

i discarded his sweater and tossed it on the ground next to me. i then kneeled down, working on his belt.

"are you going to give me a blowjob?" calum's voice asked from above me, i looked up at him to see an eager expression on his face.

i shook my head, "no."

"awh, c'mon! i mean, you're already down there!" calum whined, and i just laughed. instead of being taken aback by his words, i found them quite hilarious. here he was, a drunken mess, yet he was asking for a blowjob.

i started pulling down calum's skinny jeans, but realized it wasn't as easy as i thought it would be. i struggled to get them down his legs because they were so tight. damn, it was almost as if he spraypainted them on.

"calum, lift your feet out of the pants." i ordered, and calum did as i said.

i stood up, and decided not to take advantage of him, as he was clearly not thinking straight. and by taking advantage of him, i meant looking at his almost nude body. i felt like it wouldn't be right, and calum wouldn't want that. i knew that when he was thinking properly, he was a shy boy, and he definitely wouldn't be happy that i saw him like this.

"c'mon." i guided a stumbling calum to his mattress, and got him down successfully.

as soon as he laid down, he became knocked out. his eyes were shut, and i found it hard to believe he had fallen asleep in a matter of seconds. i kneeled down beside him.

i watched him, he looked like a peaceful little puppy. i took my hand and started running my fingers through his hair. it was a lot softer than i had expected it to be, but i also realized it hadn't been washed in a couple days. ignoring the fact that he was probably dirty, i continued stroking his hair. i felt sympathetic for him, and the need to make him feel better grew.

minutes later, i decided it was time to go. i reached forward, kissing calum's forehead before i stood up. i walked over to his bedroom door, and glanced one more time at calum before walking away. as i was about to walk out his front door, i heard his familiar voice call out to me.

"charlie?" calum's voice broke the silence.

i walked back to the doorway of his bedroom, and leaned against the doorframe.

"yeah?" i asked, shocked that calum was awake. i thought he had fallen asleep awhile ago, so he must've been an extremely good fake sleeper.

"can you please stay with me?" calum pleaded, his big eyes looking at me with a great deal of sadness.

knowing i had nothing better to do, i agreed. i walked over to calum, laid my phone and keys beside his bed, then climbed in next to him. there wasn't a bedpost, just a mattress, and for some reason, it was the most comfortable thing i had ever laid on.

calum's back was still facing me, which was odd, but didn't bother me. i got into a comfortable position, then closed my eyes. all i could hear was the quiet, steady breathing coming from the body next to me.


"ah fuck, holy shit." i heard a loud voice say, making me jolt awake.

my eyes split open, and were met with the calves of a tanned body. calum.

"sorry, did i wake you up, charlie?" calum apologized, his hand rubbing the side of his head.

i nodded, "it's fine. what happened?"

"killer hangover." he muttered, walking into his living room. as he walked away, i couldn't help but stare at his muscular back, along with his bum. it surprised me that he had a muscular back, because the rest of him was sort of skimpy-looking. it wasn't a bad thing, because calum honestly could pull off the smaller look, it was just odd that only one weird place on his body was muscular.

i stood up, looking in a mirror that was next to his tv. my hair was in a knotted ponytail, and my eye makeup was now smeared. i looked like a piece of shit, but in all honesty, i didn't care.

i made my way into the kitchen, where i found calum downing a large glass of water.

"i'm sorry that you had to see me like that." he apologized, turning around to look at me, "i'm not sure what my dumb drunken self said, but if it was anything rude, then please ignore it."

"you didn't say anything bad. how about i go pick us up some coffee and a small meal? i know eating probably sounds like the last thing you want to do right now, but you should be okay in a couple hours or so." i suggested.

"that sounds fine, if you do get me anything, don't spend a lot. just get me a small fry or something. i mean, i'm inferring that you're going to a mcdonald's or something." calum said, walking over to the couch, where he laid down. i followed him.

"that's exactly where i was going." i let out a small laugh.

"see, i know you better than you think i do." calum winked, then let out a hiss as he grabbed his head in pain.

"try and take a nap, be sure to drink lots of water. i'll be back soon, okay?" i opened calum's front door, then left.


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