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i wiped my eyes, sitting up against the wall on my mattress, a sleeping charlie laying beside me. i couldn't sleep. that wasn't much of a shocker, but lately, i had been able to get a couple hours of sleep, not much to many people, but for me, that was a lot. today, when i probably needed sleep the most, i wasn't able to calm myself, my heart was constantly speeding up and slowing down, changing paces.

charlie would be getting up in the next couple minutes, she had set an alarm for four in the morning, needing to catch a plane at five. it bothered me that she didn't tell me about her leaving earlier, but i couldn't ever be mad at her. she had just been trying to protect me from being angry or sad, so it's not like i could exactly hate her for what she did.

i glanced down at the girl sleeping silently next to me, her long royal blue hair splayed out everywhere. i reached my hand down, slowly dragging my fingers through her locks, having to pull them through ocassional knots.

i honestly didn't know what i was going to do for two weeks, i always did stuff with charlie. we basically hung out everyday, and how she didn't get bored of me was surprising. anybody that had talked to me had left or neglected me, so to finally have someone who cared and stayed was nice, it made me feel special, which i hadn't felt since i was young.

all of a sudden, a loud beeping noise filled the small room, causing charlie to rustle beside me. i watched as her arm slowly reached out to stop the noise, then her entire body flipped so that her stomach was facing the ceiling.

"hey," i smiled, looking down at her, loving how innocent and tired she looked.

"you're up early," charlie said, her voice showing great evidence that she had just woken up, "wait, did you ever fall asleep?"

i shook my head, but the smile on my face didn't falter. i didn't care that i was living off of zero hours of sleep, all i cared about was the fact that charlie was right beside me, and i only had her for the next hour or so.

"calum, i'm not gonna be here to remind you to sleep for the next two weeks, so you better take care of yourself like i take care of you," charlie said, her face suddenly becoming serious.

i nodded, but deep down inside, i wasn't sure that i would be able to do that. i wasn't sure if i would be okay without her here, i needed charlie.

i watched her get out of bed, standing up and stretching. her hands reached up for the ceiling, pulling my t-shirt she was wearing just high enough to see her bottom. i bit my lip, suddenly realizing that i wasn't just attracted to charlie's face and personality, but her body also.

"calum, i can see you looking at my ass in the mirror," she said, and my cheeks instantly heated up in embarrassment.

"i'm sorry, i just, i can explain i-"

"you're so cute when you're embarrassed. you don't have anything to worry about, my body is all yours," charlie cut me off, turning around to smirk at me.

my mouth opened slightly, not sure how to respond to my girlfriend's somewhat-flirty statement.

"can i take a couple of your shirts with me to england?" charlie asked, turning back around, opening my dresser drawers.

"uh, yeah, take however many you want. i don't care which ones you take, by the way," i mumbled, standing up.

"cool, thanks. i think i'm gonna take five."

"sounds good to me. when exactly are you leaving for the airport?" i asked, walking up behind charlie, wrapping my arms around her waist as she digs through my clothing.

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