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"If tears could build a stairway,

And memories a lane,

I'd walk right up to Heaven,

And bring you home again."

A slender teen in a white flowing summer dress placed a bouquet of flowers atop the polished white marble that encased the lifeless body of a man. As she placed her right hand beside the latest addition, Arianna Salvador waited for the approaching figures to reach her.

She was a perfect combination of her parents's genes. The girl got the straight ebony locks and small, thin lips of her mother. Hey eyes were from her father, deep and shadowed by recurring thoughts of ironic emotions.

It was again another year of missing a very special person in their lives. Arianna might not admit it verbally, but she still longed for his music and his love. So much for being a daddy's girl. Arianna missed those days, when she coulds still cuddle beside him and just stay with him all night.

Sadly, that privelege has been long gone.

Christianne Samaniego was the first to arrive, holding a pair of shades in her right hand. She was a splitting image of her mother, with her chinky eyes that twinkled in every thought of mischief and heartwarming smile. The older girl smiled at Arianna and took her hand. Arianna has always been close to her, as she was an outspoken and wisdom-filled fellow. Despite the age gap, the girls proved to have a strong camaraderie.

Larisa Harriet Nolasco hopped to their position. The bursting ball of energy was not to keep her feet settled on the ground. She gave her friends the beautiful eyes look, her long lashes fluttering. Completing their group, the three girls looked to the others.

The Samaniegos were the first to reach the girls. Chris, Chai, Kenneth, and Charmaine. The twins were both holding on to each other and their parents. Last night's storytelling session with the other youngsters have spooked then, particularly Charmaine. Now, the girl was begrudgingly pulling herself up.

Next came the Chua-Castros. Dominic stubbornly insisted that Chua must still be a part of his name. After so much bargaining, he got what he want. Marielle almost strangled him for being a scene-maker, but she was in no condition due to her spur-of-the-moment pregnancy. It ended up with Mario, who was now carrying the toddler Dominique.

After then, the loud voice of a female shattered the solitary mood. Hazel Nolasco was busily scolding her husband for letting them get away with their prank. Their sons, Ronnie and Martin, followed Mario's steps and was tickling Dominique to no end.

Tricia and Jason Salvador were the next, simply holding hands and sharing silent laughter. Their only son, Tristan, had his eyes set to Harriet. They never had another offspring after him, saving Jason from the cranky Tricia. As they moved upward to their destination, Tricia remembered the person behind them.

Glasses covered her eyes that once gleamed years ago. Her hair was up in a messy bun, some of it falling and framing her face. Alyanna Martinez carried two sets of roses, a piece of red and white. Beside her, Ria Cabrera walked with her hands on her pocket.

The sky was light and of crystal blue, as if attuned to their hearts. Again, today was another family day. Throughout the years, they have grown to be as one. As she reached her daughter, Yana placed the rose beside the bouquet and smiled.

"Happy anniversary, Josh." Arianna hugged her mother sideways. The others formed a semi-circle around the mother-daughter.

It was yet another year away from Joshua. His life has been a majestic battle, where he never gave up until his body surrendered. And throughout that battle, they were all there to back him up and to pull him from the threatening claws of death.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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