Just Wing It

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On Wednesday, Bret surprised me with dinner plans for our two month anniversary. He took me to my favorite seafood restaurant. We both ordered oysters and crab legs. I decided to do something different other than lobsters. And by all means... it was delicious!

I love going out with him. He even stuck to his word and he went to the framer without me to get the picture of Jacob and me framed. I'm so relieved to know that he is there for me whenever I need him- whether I ask for him to be there or not. He is my rock and that is another reason why I love him.

After dinner, he came back to my house like usual. We sat on the couch and watched The Notebook together. I loved the interest he had in it- he was asking a bunch of questions. At the end, he even held me in his arms and whispered, "Ya know. That's going to be us one day. Well, without the disease." His comments throughout the whole movie entertained me.

When the movie was over, we made love on my couch. It felt a little more special because it was different than all the other times. Usually, we just head into my bedroom. It was nice to change it up.

When he left my house that night, I felt incredibly lonely. Bret left the house around midnight and I fell asleep on the couch around one-ish. Not too far into my sleep, I awoke with the worst stomach pains ever. I walked into the bathroom and immediately vomited. You know what it felt like? It felt like a terrible case of dysmenorrhea, but I was vomiting.

I couldn't be alone tonight. You know that feeling little children get when they're sick and they want their mommies? Well, right now, I just wanted my best friend- so I called her.

"Hello?" Jane answered.

"Hey Jane, are you doing anything?" I asked her.

"No Maura, because I just casually do things at two-thirty in the morning."

"Jane, I can't sleep. And I'm sick."

"What's wrong?"

"I have the worst menstrual cramps and I'm vomiting."

"Well where's the boyfriend? Isn't he supposed to be the one to hold your hair back?"

"Yes, but he isn't here. He has work in the morning."

"Like I don't?!"

"Jane, can I please come over?"

"Ugh, yeah Maur. I'll wait up for you."

"Thanks, Jane. Bye."

I grabbed a change of clothes, different shoes, and left my house. I tried to hold it in during the entire car ride which felt like two hours long. It was agony driving to her house. Jane met me right outside her door. "You look terrible," she said, greeting me. Yeah, ask me how much I liked that one.

She led me to her kitchen island and I took a seat. We started talking about my night with Bret and our dinner last night. It was like a girls night again. We were talking about men, dating, sex, etc.

All was going well until I felt it coming up again. "Let's go to the bathroom, Maur," Jane told me as she walked with me to the bathroom. I am so lucky to have a best friend like her- I don't know what I would do without her.

I knelt down in front of her toilet and vomited once again. She knelt down with me and asked, "Maur, do you need a hair tie?" Trying to answer her, I mumbled, "I...no..." But she already left to get one. When she came back, she tried to put my hair up in a pony tail but I tried to refuse.

Jane is ten times stronger than I am and I should've known that there was no use fighting with her. She won.

"Maur, what the hell is this?" she asked me.

Winging It: The Pregnancy ~ {A Rizzoli & Isles Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now