A Lost Love

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I decided to hold a family dinner tonight just for everyone to get together and talk. Shortly before Angela and I started cooking, I made an announcement that I was going to the drug store. As I was walking up and down the aisles, I finally found what I was looking for. I never in my life would ever think that I would refer to a simple drug store item. I'm the Chief Medical Examiner of the Common Wealth of Massachusetts- I have my own equipment and connections, but when I need an answer at the last minute, there's no where else to go.

I picked up the little box and nervously checked out of the store. I left my purchased items in the glove department of my blue Toyota Prius as I walked inside. Angela caught me walking in with nothing. She asked, "I thought you went to the drug store?"

My heart started racing as if I was a teenage girl again, sneaking out of my house for the first time. "They didn't have what I was looking for," I said. Or I lied. I lied. My heart started racing even more as I gently blocked my chest with my left hand, covering all physical signs saying that I lied to Angela.

When the time dinner came, Angela, Jane, Abby, Frankie, Phil and I all sat around my dining room table. Angela and I served chicken parmesan with bow-tie noodles and a baked potato on the side. Everyone was moaning as the food landed on their tongues. It felt great to know everyone was pleased with the meal.

As we were all sitting around, talking, Abby took a bite of the chicken and began to choke. Hearing her cough, we all thought it was just a little piece that accidentally slipped down her trachea. She stood up, out of her chair as I slid my glass of water over and told her to take a drink. As she lifted the glass off of the table, her hand immediately released the cup and glass shattered all over my floor. This was when we knew it wasn't just one little piece.

I stood up and ran over to where Abby was standing. She fell down on her knees and I went down with her. What should I do? I kept asking myself. Thinking quickly, I decided to perform an emergency tracheotomy. "Jane, go in my bag and get me my scalpel and a straw, please?!" I asked her. I was trying to calm Abby down when Phil yelled at me from behind. He said, "Maura, just call the ambulance and let them handle this! You can't perform a tracheotomy!"

Turning my head around so I was looking at him, I shouted, "Don't you dare call them! And I can do one! Why don't you ever have faith in me?!"

"Alright you two, knock it off! We have an emergency!" Angela berated us.

I looked down at Abby before beginning and told her, "Abby, this may hurt, but please stay with us." I made a small incision on her neck just as the sound of sirens filled the neighborhood. As Frankie allowed them to enter my house, I stepped away from Abby. Right after they took her into the ambulance, I turned to Phil and gave him one of my famous disappointment looks.

Frankie drove Jane and Angela to the hospital directly behind the ambulance. I stayed back at the house a little longer, cleaning up the broken glass that was scattered all over the floor. When I was finished cleaning up, Phil drove us to the hospital. Our entire car ride was silent. He didn't look at me or say one single word. His eyes were glued onto the road as if his life depended on it.

We reached the hospital and ran into the emergency unit. Seeing Frankie, Angela and Jane, Phil and I went to sit down. It was quiet once again. Not one person had anything to say. I decided to change that. I needed to know why Phil went against my word. I felt completely betrayed. As we were waiting in the emergency room waiting area, I turned to Phil and asked him, "Why don't you trust me?"

Unbelievably, Phil answered, "Well I thought Abby needed a second opinion."

"A second opinion? Really Phil? I deal with these sorts of things practically everyday!"

"You also work with dead humans, you can't re-kill them!"

Frankie interrupted us, "Wow, Phil! Calm down man."

"Listen, I don't need advice from a blue-collared detective!" Phil exclaimed back.

Grabbing Phil's arms, Frankie said, "I may be a blue-collared detective, but I know an asshole when I see one!"

I stood there, quiet, for a minute or two. Just staring at him in Frankie's arms. I shook my head and questioned, "You thought I was going to kill her?" I asked him this in a very hushed tone. I felt too betrayed to get angry. Before he could answer, Frankie escorted him out of the hospital. As of right now, Phil and I are over. Now I understand why I never committed to any other doctors.

After all the chaos, we all remained waiting in the emergency center. Eventually, the ER doctor came out to talk to us. He explained that Abby will be just fine and there's nothing to worry about. I was worried about her greatly, but now a huge weight is lifted off of my shoulders.

A few moments later, I looked around the room and noticed Frankie was missing. He was still out front. I saw him through the window just standing there, rubbing his foot against the ground. I decided to walk out to meet him.

"Hey," I whispered.

He saw me standing there and replied, "Hi."

"Thank you for standing up for me."

"No problem," he said as if he was trying to avoid something.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and made him face me. "Frankie..." I whispered, trying to get him to tell me what's wrong.


"Tell me what's wrong."

"I don't know, Maur. I hate seeing other men date you, then hurt you. I love you," he told me.

I looked up into his eyes with sincerity. I understood what he was telling me and I feel the same way about him, but I don't want to jeopardize my friendship with Jane. At least I'll have Frankie as a friend. Instead of answering him, I wrapped my arm around his neck and sealed the gap between our separate lips. They molded together so perfectly, but I knew it was a one-time thing. Or a two-time thing.

"What was that for?" he asked me.

"Just to let you know that I was listening."

He wrapped me in a hug that lasted a couple minutes. We both walked back inside the hospital and sat with the family, waiting for Abby to come out.

When she finally does walk through the emergency room doors with the doctor, we drove home. Arriving back at my house, Angela gave everyone hugs and kisses, saying, "Goodnight everyone. This has been quite a day."

Then Jane and Frankie left and it was just Abby and me. We sat down at the island and had a short conversation. It was around eleven o'clock at night. "I'm sorry about the glass. And about you and Phil," she told me. I could see the amount concern growing in her eyes. I chuckled and brought her in a hug, "It's okay, sweetheart. We just weren't right for each other," I whispered.

Suddenly, I remembered what I was supposed to do tonight. I looked up at the clock and noticed that it was getting late and that I had work in the morning. I certainly did not want to be awake all night worrying about it. I looked at Abby and told her that she better get her rest tonight and that she doesn't have to come into BPD in the morning. After she went to bed, I grabbed my keys and walked outside.

As I unlocked my car door, the feeling of anticipation rushed all throughout my body. "Where did I put that damn thing?" I asked aloud. Then, I remembered that I hid it in the glove department. I took the small box that was located inside the plastic bag and brought it inside the house.

Quietly, I snuck into my bathroom, trying not to disturb Abby. I have no idea why I was "sneaking," it is my house. I took the concealed box out of the plastic bag and put it down next to the sink. Hesitantly, I open the box and pull the instructions out to read them. Thinking to myself, "Why do I need to read this? I'm a doctor!" I threw the piece of paper away.

My heart began to race once again, but this time, I was also beginning to feel slightly nauseous. My hands began to tremble as I administered the test. I set the piece of plastic down on the counter as I waited. These 180 seconds seemed like hours. I paced back and forth in the bathroom for all of three total minutes. Tears began to well up in my eyes as I watched the indicator change from a black screen to a plus sign. Panic struck as I saw my result. This was what I was afraid of.

Winging It: The Pregnancy ~ {A Rizzoli & Isles Fanfic}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя