Just Like A Breeze

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When I woke up, I was using Bret's chest as a pillow and his hand was resting on my back. I looked up at him and watched him sleep- he looked so peaceful. As I reached my hand up to run my fingers through his hair, I felt him tremble underneath my touch.

"Hey babe," he whispered and kissed the top of my head.

I chuckled and smiled, "Good morning."

The sound of him calling me babe sent chills all throughout my body. I reached my neck up and kissed him. I rolled over on top of him, trying to be in control as our kiss grew deeper. Before anything could escalate from there, I needed to get some water.

Standing up, I wrapped the sheets around my body and hurried out of my bedroom. As I peered around the corner, I saw Jane and Angela talking in the kitchen. Angela was standing behind the island, Jane was sitting down on the barstool, and there I was- completely nude wrapped in a sheet with messy hair. I was mortified.

"Well hello there," Angela said.

Jane started laughing, "Do you always sleep naked?" Angela joined her in laughter as I walked closer into the kitchen.

"Good morning Angela," I told her. I walked towards my fridge and looked at Jane in the corner of my eye, "Jane..."

"So who's in there?" Jane asked pointing in the direction of my bedroom.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I answered.

"Oh Maura, come on. You went out on a date last night, there's a motorcycle parked outside, there's a pile of clothes over there on the floor, and you're not wearing your luxury robe," she observed.

Ignoring her statement, I said, "I gotta go.....so in the meantime, you guys should go over to the guest house."

I quickly walked out of the kitchen, down the hall and into my bedroom. Shutting the door, I whispered to Bret, "Jane and Angela are here."

"Oh, well that's...lovely," he replied.

"I'm sorry," I told him as I crawled back in bed. I sat on top of his hips, looking down to him. When I placed the water bottle on the bed side table, I leaned down and started kissing him again.

He broke our kiss and asked me, "Does this mean we're dating?"

I sat back up, straddling his hips and whispered, "I think we're a little bit more than just dating, don't ya think?"

"Ha ha, I think I'm in love with you," he whispered back. His response wiped the smile off of my face. I was just so shocked and speechless. Of course, I loved him back, but this wasn't the time I wanted to tell him.

"Well that works then, because I just might love you too."

After I said this, he grabbed me and pulled me down next to him. He did it so sudden, I accidentally let out a scream. Something told me that Jane and Angela didn't go anywhere, so I decided to get dressed and join them out in the kitchen.

I got up out of bed and put on a set of purple pajamas. When I was done getting changed, Bret asked, "Half of my clothes are out in the living room, aren't they?"

I laughed, "Well, luckily for you, my ex left some of his clothes here. You're more than welcome to wear them, I was actually about to throw them out."

"Oh really? When did you guys split up?"

"It was a uh...a long time ago. It was about a year ago."

"Oh okay. Yeah, sure. What size was he?"

"Uh, I'm not sure. But his clothes are in this drawer," I answered, pointing to it.

He quickly got changed and we both walked out of the room. Jane and Angela had a funny look to them when we walked out.

Winging It: The Pregnancy ~ {A Rizzoli & Isles Fanfic}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora