Girls Night

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I heard aggressive banging on the outside of my apartment door. I was sitting on my couch eating mac and cheese and watching baseball, just ignoring the intense knocking. The Redsox were playing! They're my favorite team. After about five minutes, I heard a very feminine voice yell from outside, "Jane! Jane, I know you're in there, your car is out front!" Dammit.

Not only was Maura screaming at me, but now she knows I'm home. Now I have to answer it. I walked over to the door with my mac and cheese bowl and opened it. Maura was standing there in skinny jeans and a blue v-neck with a black cardigan. "Jane. Do you know why I am here?" she asked me.

I turned around to walk back to the couch and sarcastically said, "No, but I bet you're going to tell me." I tried to sound oblivious, but let's be honest. We all know that I have a lot more common sense than Maura gives me credit for.

She asked me, "You're being sarcastic, aren't you?"

"You give me anxiety."

"Oh, like you don't give me anxiety? You told the entire BPD that I'm pregnant! Jane!"

"They're gonna find out eventually! You can't hide your stomach forever, Maura."

She immediately covered her stomach with her hands and defensively yelled, "What?"

"You're fine now, Maura. I was talking about later into your pregnancy."

We sat there, quiet, thinking about what our life is going to be like ten months from now. Both of us are extremely nervous, worried, and scared, but like I told Maura earlier- we can't change it. It's not that I don't want this baby, but I can't take care of it. Not only am I fully dependent on myself, but now another human being is too. I have to take care of two people on a cop's salary. How am I going to do it? Oh Lord.

But I know how terrified Maura is. I have to be strong just for her. She is a very strong woman, but when she falls, she falls hard. She'll put herself in a very vulnerable position. For right now, I have to put my worries aside and help her. I looked over at her and noticed a frown on her face. I hated seeing her so upset. I told her, "Hey, Maur listen to me. You will be just fine."

"But Jane, I don't know how to become a mother. I barely had a mother myself as a child; what if I screw up? What if-"

I decided to cut her off there before her brain exploded. I said, "Stop it. You're going to be a fantastic mother just because of your parents. You were emotionally neglected and you know what you missed out on and you're going to take that and you're going to give your son or daughter all the love in the world. Trust me, you will be a wonderful mother."

"How are you so sure?" she asked me as tears were beginning to form.

"I am so sure because you are Dr. Maura Isles, Chief Medical Examiner of the Common Wealth of Massachusetts. You are a brilliant, successful woman who knows right from wrong. You break out when you lie. If you were to raise a child the wrong way, you would probably get leprocy."

I was extremely happy to see that I made her laugh. Even if it was the smallest chuckle. At least she smiled.

"Thank you, Jane. I needed that."

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked her, trying to get her mind off of the topic or a little while.


"Why don't you spend the night? We could watch a couple of sappy love movies and eat graham crackers with frosting," I suggested. Knowing Maura, she would never pass up some graham crackers and canned frosting.

She smiled at me, "I would love that."


Maura and I started watching The Proposal. We each had a set of graham crackers as we shared a can of chocolate frosting. Listen, if it were up to me, I would've put on an action movie. Like Fast and Furious. That shit is sick. But tonight is for Maura, not me. Tonight was to show her that everything will work out according to plan. Well, we didn't exactly plan any of this. It sort of just...happened.

While we were watching the movie, someone began knocking on the door. I told Maura to stay seated as I answered the door. I looked through the peep-hole and saw Ma standing there. After I lowered my head to the door, Maura asked me, "Who is it?" I turned to her, annoyed, and answered, "My...mother."

I slowly and hesitantly opened the door. "My baby!" she hollered.

"Ma, Maura and I are having a movie night."

"Hi Maura."

Maura smiled in return, "Angela."

"Ma, what are you doing here?" I asked her, getting frustrated.

Ma started walking over near the couch and plopped down right next to Maura. She said, "I came here to see you two."

"Oh, Angela, that's so sweet," Maura told her.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you two are having babies! I want to be there for both of you."

"Ok, Ma. Well we are trying to relax and not think about the babies," I stated.

"Jane, you're going to be a mother. You need to learn how to have patience," she said.

"Wha-patience? I do have patience!"

"Uh...Jane?" Maura interrupted.

"Not now, Maura!" I yelled.

"Jane, I'm sorry to say this, but you don't have a lot of patience."

"Who's side are you on, Maura?"

"Side? I'm just telling you a fact."

"Ok. Well, I have as much patience as you have clothes and shoes."

"Hmph, I doubt that," Ma cut in.

The three of us then sat down, together, and finished the movie. Ma was unbearably annoying, like always. I know she doesn't mean it, but she needs to learn how to give me some privacy. Don't get me wrong, I love my Ma. But come on, she was talking and asking questions throughout the whole entire movie. Maura looked at me at one point and sighed. I mouthed, "Sorry," to her as if she could hear me. Ma was sitting in between us so it wasn't like I could just turn and whisper it to Maura.

I think it's nice that my mother wants to help both me and Maura out. Sorry, Maura and me. Wait a minute, Maura and me... Oh no, Maura is starting to rub off on me. Now I am beginning to correct myself. I can tell she's going to be over here a lot during the next nine months, so I better watch myself with Ms. Grammar Snob. God forbid I forget about "Mr. Adverb."

Winging It: The Pregnancy ~ {A Rizzoli & Isles Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now