Date Night

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A few weeks later...

The past few weeks have been extremely uplifting for everyone. Emma started to hold her head up on her own and she's a big ball of energy. Whenever Jane brings her by, that baby girl always has a smile on her face. It broke Jane's heart when I brought Emma into my room and discovered that she loves shoes and jewelry. She also loves pink and sparkles- she's my mini me.

The other day, Bret was playing with the baby while Jane and I helped Angela cook dinner. All you could hear was Bret yelling, "Boo!" and Emma hysterical laughing. It was probably the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Jane was even making jokes that she's going to start having Bret babysit. Emma just adores him.

I've been given off every Saturday and Sunday instead of Thursday and Sunday. But of course, I am still on call on Saturdays so I can't really go very far out of Boston. Saturdays have turned into date night with Bret and me. We would usually go out to dinner, then come back to my house and he would sleep over. With his help, I've even cleaned out all of Phil's things from the dresser and I allowed Bret to keep some of his clothing here. For ya know... for our "date nights".

Tonight, however, I told Bret I wanted something different than dinner. We've spent the past five Saturday nights going out to eat and I thought we should just switch it up a bit. He told me that he would surprise me and pick me up at eight, as usual. But this time, he told me to dress "casual". Not my kind of casual, his kind. His kind consists of jeans and a t-shirt. Something that definitely was not up my alley.

When I heard his motorcycle pull into the driveway, I immediately ran out the door. He stood up and took off his helmet as I ran up to him. It has been a full week since I've last seen him. He didn't spend the night last Saturday- I missed him. "Hey babe," he greeted as I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him. Nothing could compare to the feeling of being called "babe". I loved it.

"Hey," I said, gasping for air after that kiss.

He laughed, "Geez, I was missed a lot I assume."

"You have no idea," I whispered, kissing him again.

"Ha ha, let's save that for tonight. Shall we get going?" he asked, breaking our kiss.

I smiled, "We shall."

Hopping on his motorcycle, I put my helmet on and wrapped my arms around his torso. This thing is getting so much easier for me- I'm finally getting the hang of it! It's still a little scary for me, but getting on and off is a piece of cake.

We pulled into a bowling alley parking lot as we arrived at our destination. Bowling? What are we, teenagers again? Let's just say... I can not wait until we go back to my place. Bowling, really?

"We're here," he said, putting his bike in park.

"Bowling?" I asked him.

"This isn't just regular bowling, my Maura."

"Then what is it?"

After I got off the bike, he held my hand and walked up to the door. "It is Glow Bowling!"


"What is Glow Bowling?" I asked him.

"Glow Bowling is bowling, but then turn out the lights and have a disco ball, lasers, and loud music. It's awesome. Trust me, you'll love it."

"Okay... I'll trust you, but if I don't love it, them I'm on the bottom tonight," I said only joking.

He thought about it for a minute, then replied, "I'll take that bet!"

When we walked in, it was extremely dark. There were red laser beams shooting all over the place and a giant disco ball right in the middle of all the lanes. They pulled down a projector screen near the back of the lanes and were displaying music videos on it. It looked really cool, but still not my kinda thing.

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