The Appointment

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A/N: Hey guys! I just want to thank all of you for reading my story:) you have no idea how much it means to me! Okay, so in this short chapter, I am going to be fast forwarding a little bit. We left off with everyone finding out Maura is pregnant and the girls have a movie night. This chapter will be when Maura finds out the sex of her baby. Maura is five months at this point, and Jane is seven months. If you guys have any ideas or suggestions, please don't hesitate to comment! Enjoy! :)


Maura's POV

"Are you sure you're ok to take over for the morning?" I asked Abby. Today, I have a doctor's appointment to find out the sex of my baby. I am so excited! Jane is coming with me, so I will need Abby to take my place and make sure everything is alright down in the autopsy room.

"Yes, I will be fine. You better text me and let me know what it is!" she answered.

I laughed and replied, "Of course I will."

We sat down at the island in my kitchen and drank a cup of herbal tea. I really enjoy having someone here in my house that has the same interests as me. I love Angela, she's like a mother to me, but that's the problem. Jane comes over very often, but it's not the same as someone who lives with you. Someone who wakes up and comes downstairs for breakfast and a cup of tea in their pajamas.

Even though I am thirty-six years old and there's a fourteen year age difference, Abby and I have become wonderful friends. She's the younger sister I never had. Well, I have Cailin, but we don't see each other nearly as much. I love how Abby confides in me and how she says that I'm her hero. I just hope this baby will think of me the same way.

There was a car beeping outside. I got up and realized that it is 8:34. My doctors appointment is at 8:45 and Jane was supposed to pick me up at 8:30. I'm not even dressed! "Maura!" I heard yelling from outside.

"I'll be right out Jane!" I don't even know why I bothered yelling this- it's not as though she can hear me.

I hurry up and get changed as quickly as possible. I threw on some yoga pants and a nice button-down blouse. Can you believe it? I feel so out of sorts right now.

Getting into the car, I looked at my phone and noticed that it was 8:50. Oops, I thought to myself. I looked at Jane and saw that she was staring at me as if she was annoyed. "Are you annoyed?" I asked her.

"No, I looove it when you're late," she answered.

"No need to be sarcastic, Jane."

"I am seven months pregnant, I have a right to be sarcastic."

"I will let that excuse slide just for now, but once you have the baby, you're not going to be able to use it anymore."

"Yeah, yeah, Maur. Now put your seatbelt on."

"It is on!"

We drove to the hospital and rushed in. We were already late enough as it is, there was no time to waste. Once I checked in, they took me back right away.

I laid down in the chair and waited for the doctor. Once she came inside the room, she asked, "Hello, Dr. Isles. How are you feeling?"

"Very well, thank you. And yourself?"

"I am doing just fine, thanks for asking. Ok, may I have you lean back and lift your shirt up, please?"

I leaned even further back on the chair and raised my shirt up. The three of us began talking about the babies and even work. The next thing I knew, she squeezed the Doppler Gel on my stomach and spread it around using the transducer.

An image popped up on the monitor. The sight of my baby brought tears to my eyes. "Well, we are able to determine the sex of your baby right now with the way they are positioned. Are you going to find out today or be surprised?" the doctor asked me.

"I will like to know now," I said as she began to laugh.

The doctor zoomed in on the image presented on the screen and took in a deep breath, "Congratulations Dr. Isles, you are having a baby girl."

"Oh no," I heard Jane mumble beside me.

"A daughter?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes Maura, that is what a baby girl is," Jane said in what I believe was a sarcastic tone.

I decided to ignore her as the doctor replied, "Yes it does. Congratulations."

I've always wanted a baby girl of my own. Someone I can teach all my makeup and fashion tricks to! I would teach Jane, but that's never going to happen. I'll be lucky if Jane allowed me to go to Modells' Sporting Goods with her.

This, by far, has been one of the most exciting days of my life.

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