A New Love

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Sitting at the bar by myself brought back some tough times. The last time I did this, my whole life went downhill. It was when Jacob passed away. Those were the hardest days of my life. Even though he's not here anymore, I'm still proud of the fact that I was and always will be his mother.

I looked around and there was still no sight of Jane or Angela. What could be taking them so long? It's been over an hour since I first got here.

I felt my phone's vibrations against the bar top as a text came through. Sure enough, it was Jane. It read:

B there in 15. Save us a table.

As I read the message, I hopped off of the barstool and sat down at a booth. I replied:

Will do.

I placed my purse next to me on the booth and took out my tablet. I decided to go on Facebook and Twitter as I waited for them. Those Rizzolis are prone to being late.

Checking in at the Dirty Robber, I tagged Jane and Angela in my Facebook status. When I heard the loud slamming of a car door, I knew it had to be Jane. Man, that woman doesn't know how to shut a car door. I swear, one day she's going to shatter the window.

As they walked towards the door, I saw Jane stop to talk to Bret. They didn't talk long- their conversation lasted about thirty seconds before he opened the door and watched them walk past him. He looked into the window at where I was sitting and smiled. This wasn't just a regular smile; he actually gave me a big smile, showing his pearly white teeth.

Jane walked up to the table and took my attention away from him. "Well, someone developed a little crush..." she whispered as she slid into the booth next to her mother. I smirked at her and replied, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Honey, I can see it in your eyes how much you like him," Angela joined. She stood up from the table and continued, "I have to use the restroom. Be right back."

When Angela disappeared into the bathroom, I looked at Jane. "He's nice to look at," I replied as I looked out the window, trying to find him.

"Well he likes you too," Jane observed.

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"As I was walking in, he asked me if you were seeing anyone."


"Yeah, he lit up when I said you were as single as a pringle."

I laughed, "Of course you said that."

"Yeah so don't be surprised if you're stopped on the way out. I'm going to check on Ma," she said as she got up and vanished into the bathroom.

Just then, a strange, intoxicated man walked up to our table. He looked as if someone dropped an anvil on his head. He was scruffy from head to toe and looked like he lived on the streets. Standing in front of us, he asked me, "Wanna drink?"

I looked at him and politely declined, "No thank you."

He sat down next to me, "Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure."

"Come on, honey. Don't be fussy," he insisted as he leaned towards me and kissed my cheek. I felt disgusted as I tried to back away from him, but the wall blocked me. As I closed my eyes, I felt pressure release from the booth. I looked up as I heard, "The lady said no!"

There, I saw Bret holding the strange man's collar. The man fought back, trying to get out of Bret's grip, but he wasn't strong enough. He hooked Bret right on the side of his skull immediately as he released his grip.

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