A New Victim

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A week has gone by since we brought baby Emma Dorthea Rizzoli home from the hospital. I decided to name her Emma after my grandmother and Dorthea after the woman who's been there for me during every crisis I have, Maura.

It's weird being a ma myself now. I'm still working, but then I'll come home at a normal time and take care of my baby. That sounds weird, doesn't it? My baby.

Work is getting a bit tougher now. I'm still hunting down bad guys and kicking their asses, but I miss Emma incredibly. Maura has been getting much better- she's working now as well and is helping me take care of Emma. I've been spending the nights at Maura's house with Ma and Abby.

Right now, Ma is making us all dinner. She's making some chicken surprise. It's delicious! It has bacon, lots of cheese, scallions, and potatoes.

"Ma! Is dinner ready yet?" I asked her.

"Almost, babe," she answered from the kitchen.

"Can I hold her?" Abby asked me.

"Of course," I said as I handed Emma to Abby.

"She's so precious," Maura told me.

"Thanks, Maur."

I stood up and walked into the kitchen to see if the food was done cooking. It was pretty safe to say that I was starving. "Is it done yet?" I asked Ma again.

"Jane, you have to learn how to be more patient. Especially since you're a mother now," she said to me.

"Don't remind me."

"Dinner smells delicious, Angela," Maura told her as she walked into the kitchen.

"Thank you Maura. I'm glad you're back," Ma wrapped her arms around Maura and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm glad I'm back too. Thanks to Jane."

"I missed you, Maur," I whispered as I joined the group hug.

Abby's phone began to ring. She stood up and handed Emma to Maura as she walked outside and answered her phone.

When she came back in the house, she had a worried look on her face. "Abby, is everything alright?" Maura asked her.

"Well, my parents are coming to Boston and they want to have breakfast."

"Oh honey, you should go. They are still your parents," Ma told her.

"I have never had a good relationship with my parents. I couldn't wait to go to college and move out," she explained.

"Well when do they want to have breakfast?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning."

"Just go, nothing bad is going to happen," Maura added.

We heard the ding sound that was telling us dinner was ready. Each of us took a seat, said Grace, and dug in. It was as good as I remembered it. Both Maura and Abby were complementing my mother on her cooking, like usual.

When dinner was over, I took Emma home for the first time. It was just us two in my little apartment.

"Do you want to eat?" I asked her. It wasn't like she could answer me. But once I took out my boob, she latched right on. I guess my mother instincts are kicking in because she was hungry.

It feels very strange to have a child of your own. Your whole life, you think about what I would be like if you became a mother. But it feels nothing like you imagined it to be. If anything, it's weird.

The only thing I'm missing is my relationship with Casey. I miss him so much. If only he knew about our beautiful baby girl. But I don't know if I want to tell me. Or how.


Emma kept waking me up throughout the night. Once at one in the morning, another time at three, and then at five. She seems to be on a two hour schedule. Around six-thirty, I woke up to my work phone ringing.

"Rizzoli," I answered. "Alright, I'll be right there."

When I hung up, I called Ma and asked her to babysit. I walked into my bedroom and got dressed. By the time I was done, someone was knocking at my door.

I looked through the peep hole and saw Ma standing there. "Hey Ma," I said as I answered the door.

"Hey baby. Here- I know how you forget to eat sometimes."

She handed me a peanut butter and fluff sandwich and walked inside. I smiled, "Thanks Ma. Oh, she fell asleep around five-thirty."

"Alright. She'll be in good hands with me," she replied making me laugh.

After grabbing my bag, I left my apartment to go to the crime scene. I remember how tired I was that day.

When I reached the crime scene, I saw Maura off to the side sitting on a bench. She was bent over and looking as if she was in tears.

I looked over and saw the police caution tape around a parking lot and everyone circled around a young woman. I couldn't make out whom she was, but it definitely sparked the interest in many people, including Maura.

I rushed out of my car and walked over to her. "Maura, is everything alright?"

"No," she whispered.

"Who is it?" I asked her, rubbing her back.

She looked up at me with tears overflowing from her eyes. "Abby," she answered.

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