31- I love you too

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Short chapter

Angel sat up gasping for air her body rigid. Shadow had come to her.

Give yourself up to me, or all your friends will waste away.

She swallowed and glanced at Finn who was laying still next to her. He looked so calm.

First they will gray and wilt. They will not hunger or thirst and within a week I will have them.

Finns skin looked ashy, soft to the touch and angel felt the skin fray away beneath her fingertips.

If you want to save them then come back to the beginning.

Angel swallowed and glanced to the time. 10:00am. She gently shook Finn awake and smiled a little when he kissed her. His lips where dry but angel kissed back just as hard.

Angel glanced around the room. She had a backpack and no idea what to pack for heading back to the pizzeria. rubbing the back of her neck she decided that food probably wasn't a priority but weaponry was too hard to come by.

The sword...

Angel didn't forget what happened during her fight with shadow. She had no idea how she even did that, let alone how to do it again.

Glancing down at her hands she tried to concentrate on the sword, the blade, the hilt decorated with small pieces of ivy-

Angel hands heated up. Her eyes opened and she looked down, silver shone so blindly that she had to squint to see what was happening-


Angel yelped as she hit the wall, a vase coming down with a smash as she hit the floor whimpering.

"Ow, oh owowow that hurts" angel sat up pain gripping her ribs and forcing her to gasp for breath as she became winded.

"Angel!" Finn skidded back into the room having only just left for the bathroom "oh jeez, stay still okay? What happened? Where does it hurt?" He went to help her to her feet but she pushed him away with a whimper.

"Hurts" she muttered. "Tired to make my sword again- oh no... I'm sorry Carlin I can-" angel had just caught sight of the broken vase on the floor.

"Oh don't worry that was hideous anyway. Just... next time maybe don't practice that in the house" carlin frowned. They didn't really like Angel being in their household, the powers she tried to use just weren't natural and... damaging.

Angel stood up with a groan and rubbed her side. She shot Finn a small smile and shooed everybody back to their breakfast.

"Hey... is everything okay? You seem quiet" Finn took Angels hand boldly his skin chapped.

"I'm fine. Just embarrassed I guess" joked Angel with a laugh pushing Finn towards the door.

"I love you" Angel stilled hearing Finn say that. It was said softly and gently as if Finn hadn't meant for Angel to hear.

"You don't have to say it bac-"

"I love you too" angel wished it could be different she wanted to say it knowing they'd never be apart again.

Once he was gone Angel looked around for her bag her hands shaking. "Ah" she picked it up casually. "There it is" she rifled though it and checked of things she would need. Was food really something she would need there? And would carlin notice that a knife was missing from their kitchen drawer?

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