14- lost

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"I am absolutely disgusted Freddy. Picking a fight destroying my pizzeria on your birthday of all days!"

"I know." Freddy sighed. His face was black and blue and his right cheek was swollen.

"It was Angel and her boyfriend who started it all off-" Frankie interjected

"I DID NOT! Maybe if you weren't such a fucking-"


I jumped. I'd heard angels dad shout before but never this close. I felt bad for angel who had to deal with him

" I dont care who started what what I'm concerned about is the state of my building. So to make up for it you'll all be staying here until nine to make up for it. And angel we will talk about your behaviour later"

Her dad went to walk out but stopped turned and glared at his daughter.

"I'm starting to wish we had never adopted you"

He said coldly. Angels lip shook slightly but she glared at her dad her expression ice cold. I heard Freddy whisper what?! Under his breath.

But i wasn't so good at hiding anger. I couldn't have kept my mouth shut if I tried.

"How dare you?!"

I snarled at him. Everybody jumped. I felt a hand on my shoulder but shook it off.

"You lied to her this whole time for what?! To make it easier for you to manipulate her?!"

Angles dad glared at me caught between shock and anger

"All angels ever wanted is to have a family and even if you're a huge disappointment to her shes never stopped defending your reasons for being a FUCKING BITCH" I snapped.

He glared at me. I stared him down putting my arm around her shoulders and jutting my chin out at him. "She's more perfect than scum like you deserves"

He turned and stormed out. "Well look after your girlfriend instead of me then" he spat before he slammed the door shut.

Angels pov

I couldn't believe Finn had done that. It was the most impressive touching kind thing anybody had done for me. Well he's always doing kind things an taking me anywhere and everywhere on a whim.

I didn't have a family, they lied to me. And by the looks of it they lied to Freddy too.

"That little-" i started

Finn hugged me. I gulped and wrapped my arms around him feeling like I was on fire and filled with bubbles.

"Don't listen to him angel he just a-"

"Do you... really think I'm perfect?"

Bobbies pov

"Do you... really think I'm perfect?"

I hadn't expected Finn to try and start a brawl with angels dad-ish? Regardless that was freaking impressive.

I was shaking. I knew it was visible from the was Charlotte had her hand on my arm. She didn't even understand the letter. My letter. I pulled away swallowing. It doesn't matter. it doesn't matter. I'm okay. I'm okay. Im okay.

"Well... Yeah. Heh well y-you are y'know i-i mean-"

"You are too"

She mumbled, blushed and quickly kissed his cheek. Finn was crimson. I glanced at Charlotte and she wiggled her eyebrows meaningfully.

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