30- getting to know you

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(Here's some nice fluffy stuff for you guys)

Robbie followed the road down a few familiar streets and grinned at Freddy. All he knew was there had been a place years ago that Robbie adored.

"Hey, it's still open! Geez thought it woulda been shut by now" Robbie pushed the door open and Freddy went even redder when Robbie held the door for him.

He looked around the brightly lit area, trying to shake off the memories of the pizzeria, he noticed some arcade games from the old one and shivered.

Robbie noticed him shiver and wrapped an arm around him, glad that although Freddy was older he was taller.

Freddy was instantly captivated with something called 'Nutella milkshake' "Robbie... I... we don't have any money..." he mumbled sheepishly suddenly feeling stupid.

Robbie grinned at him and patted his pocket. "I've got it, don't worry I think of everything"

Freddy nodded but blushed " I don't"

"You don't need any, I'm taking you out so I'm paying" Robbie smiled warmly and Freddy squirmed.

"But-" the idea of Robbie 'taking him out' made a furious blush spread over his cheeks.

"No butts unless it's yours getting a milkshake" Robbie pointed at the board stubbornly.

Freddy laughed at that and pointed at the Nutella one. "What's that do you reckon?" Robbie shrugged and asked the man behind the counter.

"It's a chocolate spread with nuts in it" Robbie ordered, paid and noticed Freddy frown guiltily.

"I'll pay you back" he offered and Robbie shook his head.

"The best way to pay me back is to drink that milkshake" he smiled and instantly felt dumb.

They took a seat and Freddy was surprised when Robbie winked at him playfully.
He felt his face burn and quickly drank some milkshake. It tasted brilliant. Robbie bit back a laugh when Freddy's eyes lit up and quickly drank more.

"Good?" He asked amused to see chocolate all round Freddy's mouth. He nodded eagerly and Robbie chuckled drinking his own.

"So... what do you- I mean what's fun to you? Wait- no I mean-"

Robbie stopped Freddy's embarrassed stumbling, not by laughing or telling him to shut up but by gently saying, "I like video games, playing bass and comic books"

"And those are... um" Freddy's voice shook as he realized he'd forgotten the word for spare time stuff and wiped his mouth to buy himself some more time

"Hobbies?" Robbie asked, Freddy had gone pink and stirred his milkshake quickly avoiding Robbie's eyes.

"Yeah" Freddy nodded. "Look I'm sorry I'm just not good at words, I mean that's pretty pathetic but-"

"No it isn't, learning a new language is fucking hard and English is the worst for grammar and all that, if you forget something it's fine really" Robbie bit his tongue as Freddy giggled brushing a stray curl away from his face.

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