5- you can trust me

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I could see everywhere. The whole town spread out like butter on the toast of land. The lights where sparkling in each window making everything look like it belonged in a movie.


I looked down. I could see why Finn had grabbed me. I was standing on a low wall right at the edge of the building.

If he hadn't of grabbed me I would've plunged to my death twenty or so floors below. This was living.

The little cars like Beatles moved back and forth the little lights glowing like eyes and the tiny pin people flowed through the streets. I spread my arms wide and tipped my head back.


I screamed at the top of my lungs herding my voice echo back a few times before stopping. Finn stood next to me. He wasn't holding me but I still felt fine, I felt better then fine, I felt great for the first time in ages.

Finn chuckled appreciably, his eyes on mine. I felt my face heat up feeling ridiculous.


"WHOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!" He bellowed laughing when his voice echoed back again. "Heh that's actually pretty fun"

"yeah it is"


A silence descended and I glanced around feeling dumb when I caught Finns eye.

"So..." I tired to lighten the mood "you... come here often?" Wow. I'm so good at this.

"I come here every night yet I never find myself getting tired of it" he smiled gesturing at the view. 

"Doesn't your staff know?"

"I always shut myself in my room and listen to music they never noticed I'm not in there most of the time"

I felt terrible that Finn was still in a kid dump when I was complaing about family life.

Yep. I feel like a bitch

"Heh me too... or I used to" I shrugged. "Mom and dad yell at me if I'm in my room too much"

"We're so alike" Finn grinned at me before embarrassedly fiddling with the zipper of his hoodie.

"Yeah its funny. I always wanted to have somebody who-" I shut myself up and looked out again. I felt a pressure on my hand and looked down. Finn had brushed my hand with his. 

I pulled my hand away surprised and he blushed before looking away as I scrambled to continue the conversation.

"So how did you find this place?"

Finn looked away muttering something about "complicated"

"Hey?" I nudged his shoulder gently he turned and looked at me sadly.

"Its really...it's really nothing Angel-"

"Are you okay?"

I moved a bit closer to him, he started to go red and rubbed the back of his neck.

Finns POV

She moved closer. Fuck I didn't want to tell her because it was dumb, lame, dumb and stupid.

But she wouldn't tell anyone I could trust this strange funny... Oddly attractive-

"I used to run off here whenever I got into trouble" I didn't say it's where I came when I was upset because that would just be lame.

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