Chapter Eight

Depuis le début

"Hey, Ichi, sorry it took so long for me ta come back," Grimmjow started. He was cut off before he could explain himself by Ichigo shaking his head and putting up a hand. "Are ya okay, kitten? How'd the checkup go today?" Grimmjow couldn't help but get a sinking feeling in his gut. What if something was wrong with his cubs?

Ichigo shook his head and then grinned like a fool. "Come here and look at them, Grimm!" He beckoned his lover to the bed, and Grimmjow quickly rushed to his side. Ichigo shoved the ultrasound image into Grimmjow's eager hands. Before Grimmjow even had a chance to look at the picture Ichigo pointed to it and explained. "There's three of them. One boy, one girl and one unknown."

Grimmjow smiled and took the info in slowly. Three. He was having three cubs. They would be so beautiful, and strong, he knew it. Then he looked at Ichigo. "Wait, one unknown? What do ya mean?"

Ichigo laughed. "Well this one," he pointed to the little body on the far right, "wouldn't show himself or herself. So we couldn't see the gender. We will just have to wait and see!" He leaned over and snatched the picture back out of Grimm's hands and stared at it long and hard. "Wow, I guess now it seems so much more real. Now that I know the genders and the number of cubs. Well, sort of."

"I am so proud of ya, Ichi," Grimmjow said softly. "I just wish I could'a seen the buggers for myself." He smiled. "I can't wait for them ta arrive, can't wait ta hold them in my arms."

Leaning over, Ichigo rested his head on Grimmjow's broad shoulder and chest. "You're going to be an amazing father, Grimm."

"And you're going to be an amazing mommy," Grimmjow replied with a huge smirk.

Ichigo reached out and punched Grimmjow hard in the arm, making the larger male yelp in pain. "You're an asshole, Grimm! I'm a man, dammit. I'm no mommy."

"Ya have my cubs in your womb," Grimmjow reminded. "That makes ya a mommy."

"No way! I still have a dick, don't I? No vagina. So we are both fathers."

"Ya have a man womb, doesn' make ya any less of a man. But it does make ya a mommy."

"Fuck you!" Ichigo yelled and punched Grimmjow again, even harder this time around.

"Jesus, Ichigo, calm down, I was just teasin'," Grimmjow mumbled. "You're bein' way harsh right now." He frowned at his mate, unsure of what was wrong. "Ya feelin' okay?"

Ichigo crossed his arms across his belly and looked away. "I'm fine."

From out of nowhere Grimmjow snaked his arms around Ichigo's large abdomen and pulled him close to him. When Ichigo whipped his head back around and gave Grimmjow a death glare Grimmjow smiled and lowered himself between Ichigo's legs. He pulled up Ichigo's shirt, exposing his belly and Ichigo tried to fight him off.

"Stop, Grimm! Knock it off!" Ichigo protested.

But Grimmjow didn't stop. He placed his nose against Ichigo's belly and then softly kissed it once, twice and a third time. "A kiss for all ma cubs," he whispered against Ichigo's stomach. He nuzzled it gently and then rested his ear and cheek against it. "Ya little ones need ta stop messin' with ya papa's emotions. He's gonna end up killin' me before we can even meet!" He paused to look up at Ichigo's face, whose expression had gone from livid to surprised. So, Grimmjow continued to speak to the unborn cubs. "I can't wait ta see ya little ones. I know ya will love ya mom – er – papa, Ichi. He's tha best. And I'm Grimm. I am your papa, too. I'll teach ya how to fight and protect ya family and friends. And ya will love all your aunts and uncles here. We can't wait to see ya guys!"

Ichigo was smiling now, tears welling in his eyes. "Grimm . . ." He threaded his fingers through the soft blue hair of his lover. He tugged at it, pulling Grimmjow's face to his, their lips pressing lightly together in the sweetest of kisses. Grimmjow quickly deepened the kiss and then licked Ichigo's bottom lip, asking to be let in. Ichigo surrendered to Grimmjow's tongue and he moaned softly as Grimmjow's tongue slithered inside to greet his own.

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