Chapter 61 - Signed, Sealed, Delivered (Stevie Wonder)

Start from the beginning

"Well the hours are long and the pay sure as hell sucks. But the work is very  rewarding"  I shoot back.

Then I squeaked....when those still outstretched hands of mine came into contact with one rock-hard chest. Felt my cheeks start blazing in the blink of an eye. Yanked my palms away as if they've been burnt.

Did I just hear him choke out a laugh?

Daryl carried me downstairs, through the courtyard and into the cell block. Towards the ablution area just off the common room.

We passed Carol on the way. She simply smiled, stroked my cheek then winked at me before walking off.

Now that's seriously weird!

Don't know if I could ever  be so casual. Seeing my man carrying some other woman around. Like she's his bride on their wedding night?

Oh, bloody bugger....just imagining that....can he see me blushing again?

Nate? You're such a Derpa!  😳

"Hurry yer butt up, woman. Ain't got me all night"  Daryl growled, placing me gently down onto my feet.

"Yessir, Mr Dixon! Sorry to keep you from your lady love, Mr Dixon....SIR! "  I throw over my shoulder with an accompanying salute  🫡

Ouch!  Keep forgetting the old noggin is covered in a bandage.

When I finished and carefully crept my way slowly to the common room, he turned. Picked me up again as if I weigh nothing. Carried me back to the guard tower.

Daryl put me down just inside the door. Then got to his knees and tidied up my bed, making it ready. When that was done he grabbed my other pillow and spare blanket....laying them out beside it.

I was lifted once more, placed in my bed then handed a bowl of stew.

"Gone cold a bit. Eat!"  Came the order.

He then sat down and tugged off his boots. Throwing them over near his bow, rifle and....pack?

I hadn't noticed them there earlier.

Swallowing my mouthful, I took another breath to finally get it over with.

By the time I finish all these damn deep breaths? I'll be freaking hyperventilating.

"Ummmm, Daryl? I truly appreciate all that you've done for me. But I think I can take care of myself now. Honestly, you should be back with Carol in your own....home. Together."

"She's had a really hard time of it too and is probably still missing you heaps? I'll be fine, honest."

He gaped at me. As if I'd suddenly donned a straight jacket and started licking windows. Then I see something like realisation hit his normally poker face. Along that....a smirk?

A Dixon smirk? Oh, sweet us poor mere mortals.

Damn bloody snails....will you fuck the hell off!!!!  🐌

"Whatever yer thinkin? Yer got it all wrong. Carol n' me? We ain't like that. Just real good friends is all, nuthin else to it. Never has been....never will be."

He seems to be watching me very closely now, as if trying to gauge my reaction? So, I keep up my semblance of a poker face. Even though my insides had begun jumping around like a paper bag full of crazy cats.

And I made damn sure my bloody eyelids drop down to half-mast, quick smart!

Please tell me you all just heard what I did? That he's not....that they're not....Oh....  😯

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