Planeee dayy baee

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I wake up by my alarm going off across the room. all the boys groan by my music playing. I grumpily get up and push snooze and go back to bed for 10 min.
After the 10 min went by we were all wide awake. we all started to pack all our things so we can leave to go to New Jersey.


Every one started stomping. but after 2 seconds the security came in and told us to be quiet. we all laugh and finish packing.

When i get done I start to get ready. I go take a quick shower and then when I was done I blow dry my hair. when Im done I but my hair in a bun. then I go on to makeup. I do eyeliner and mascara. then I decided to were a tank top with a banana on it. I were skinny jeans and vans. I walk out and see Nash looking out of the window messing around with the fans.

"Looking perfect as always" he says while turning around.

I feel my cheeks turning red quick. he kisses me on the cheek. I was about to go get my phone but before he could he picks me up and throws me on the bed.

"NASH!!! STOPPP" I say while laughing.

"Nope I need to tickle you." he says.

"DONT YOU-" before I could finish he started tickling away.

I laugh my brains away and end up Getting out of his grin and jump over him.

"Meanie" I say.

Will this make it better?" he says.

He kisses me on the lips.

"Yesss" I say.

He laughs and we each get the rest of our stuff and get shawn and cameron. when we have every thing and every one we leave out of the room and see every one there. we all get into the limo and see crying fans every were.

"Awe they miss me already" I say.

"No I'm fab they miss me more" Taylor says.

"Pshhh sure" I'm fabbbbberrr." I say.


"YASSSS" I say.

Every one laughs. I'm so glad that me and Taylor got I be friends. I don't know what I will be with out him.

When I look up I see that we are here at the air port. Every one gets out and we start to go in. there are once again crying fans again. I walk up to one balling her eyes.

"Awe are you okay?" I say about to cry.

"No I'm going to miss magcon here so bad." She says.

"Awe don't worry we will be back very soon" I say.

"Thank you. could I get a picture?" she says.

"Of course" I say.

We take the picture on my phone and her phone. I also give her my number. and I follow her on twitter. I go around all other fans and take pictures and follow them. We get done and go threw security and I look back and see the first girl I saw bawling her eyes out looking like she just lost some one she loves.

I hug Nash's arm and i feel a tear run down my eye.

"Olivia what's wrong?" He says while wiping away the tear.

"They are really going to miss us." I say.

" I know they all are I wish I could be with every one every day." he says.

I just get a hold of my self and keep walking. when we get on the plane i take my seat. there is 3 each row. so I take the window seat and nash is in the middle and cameron is on the edge.

I plug in my head phones and snuggle next to nash and fall deeply to sleep wondering how New Jersey is going to be...
Hehe I used emojis🐩

OMG THANKS FOR OVER 200 VOTES ... I can't say this....
-Olivia 🐢❤️

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