Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

>Albert’s POV<

Albert looked up at his older brother as he placed the receiver into his pocket and looked at his two brothers. “Its time,” Albert got up from his sitting position and stood beside his twin. The two boys were more then ready to go and exact vengeance against their captors, and make sure that no one else can do it again. 

The three brothers stood up from their position behind a few bushes far away from the laboratory. Tristan just wanted to make sure that they wouldn’t been seen until they were ready to be seen.

They started to walk towards the laboratory, the alarm could be heard as Albert moved closer with his brothers. Tristan was ahead of them, moving into the building first, giving a hand gesture, Albert and Daniel followed their brother into the place. Tristan going slowly, checking every corner to make sure that there was no threat. Albert didn’t know why his big brother was doing that, any of them could defend themselves, when they were alone. Albert guessed that it was just so that he could make sure that his little brothers could be okay.

Tristan turned a few corners, Albert and his twin following behind, not really knowing where they were going anyways. Tristan unsheathed his sword and pressed the tip against a lock in a door, pushing on it  until the blade sank into the lock, a loud snap could be heard as the door swung forwards a bit. Tristan pulled the sword out, pushing on the door as well with his foot.

“Tristan where are we going?” Albert whispered, leaning closer to his older brother.

“You’ll see,” Tristan whispered back. He opened the door, ushering them in. Albert and Daniel stepped in slowly, seeing nothing but darkness, Albert looked back to see Tristan closing the door, his face cloaked in darkness. Albert moved his hand towards the hilt of his sword, feeling uneasy about the dark environment. A pair of bright lights turned on, blinding Albert.

“Well if the two experiments haven’t returned finally,” a male voice said, Albert couldn’t tell who’s voice it was, nor could he see the person cause of the pitch darkness. “You know the both of you have caused many problems in your time out of the lab.”

“Tristan,” Albert whispered back, all he could see was his bother’s outline in the darkness, “why did you bring us here?”

“He brought you here cause I instructed him too,” the mystery man spook up. Albert glared back at Tristan, before he could react Daniel had pulled his sword from his sheath and swiped backwards at their older brother. The blade went clean through. A loud screech came from Tristan, his form melting away, Albert and Daniel jumped away looking down at the pool of liquid that used to be their brother. “Oh don’t worry that was only a proxy, your actual brother is safe and sound.”

“Where is he!?” Daniel demanded, glaring in the direction of the mystery man.

“Don’t worry, he’s very safe.”

“Let him go!”

“Why would I ever do that? He is the biggest success since you two, and from him I can make more proxies ,” the guy sounded like he almost cared about their brother. “That is why you’re here so I can do the same.”

“What if we don’t want to?”

“Then your going to have a really bad time getting out of here,” the lights started to flicker on. Revealing a room a lot bigger then what Albert first thought, under the floor looked like hundreds of test tubes.

“What is this place?” Albert looked up at the man, only now was he able to see the man.

“I like to call it the birthing room,” the man seemed proud of his small room.

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