Chapter 20

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Hope you all enjoy!

>Royce's POV<

Chapter 20

Royce woke from a day of sleeping with his boyfriend at his side. Royce kissed Grant’s forehead and slowly got out of bed. He walked out of the bedroom and walked up the stairs. He was used to the nightly ritual now: wake up, go up stairs, get blood, drink blood. But he wasn’t quite used to the house yet, it was still eerie to him. He found it silly and immature, but that was how he was.

He had the wine glass in his hand and took his first sip when he felt a hand on his abdomen. He flinched and almost dropped the glass, Grant was there with a giant smile.

“Boo,” Royce rolled his eyes and smiled. “Did I scare you?”

“Yes! I didn’t even hear you come up,” Royce said, Grant smiled and grabbed the glass he had and drank some of the blood before letting Royce have it back. “So what are we doing tonight?”

“I was thinking we could always visit a friend of mine,” Royce raised an eyebrow.

“I’m not going back to the underground city,” he stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Their in the pack here, their interesting people,” Grant said with a wink.

“Oh really now?” Royce leaned towards him and kissed Grant on the lips.

“Very much so,” Grant said in a husky tone, then grabbed Royce’s shirt and pulled him onto the counter, almost pulling Royce over to the other side.

“Then we should go,” Grant sighed and nodded, letting go of Royce, who slowly got himself to the other side and on his feet. The two of them walked out of the embassy, Royce followed Grant to his mysterious friends. They eventually made it to a house, like any other that was there. Grant knocked on the door and they waited. A boy came out, he looked a bit younger then Royce. His black hair was in a mess, he glanced over the two of them, pausing on Royce for a second longer. His gold eyes were solid and stern.

“Yes?” Was all the boy said, his scent poured from the house, defiantly werewolf, two other scents came out of the house, both werewolf as well. On of them smelled more like him, so Royce guessed his sibling.

“Well you are a friendly one tonight Darrel,” Grant said, “what’s going on?”

“Nothing, we’re just busy right now, so I can’t talk,” Darrel seemed on edge, as if he was being hunted or something by a vicious monster.

“Okay, I guess we’ll see you another time then,” with that the werewolf shut the door in their faces.

“Interesting is right,” Royce said, gawking at the door.

“He is usually a lot nicer,” Grant said, grabbing Royce’s hand and walking away from the house.

“So now what?” Grant shrugged, Royce followed his boyfriend to wherever they were going next.


>Darrel's POV<

Darrel sat back down next to his sister, across from them both was a werewolf, which Darrel couldn’t keep his eyes off of him. It figured that a straight werewolf would come in here who was gorgeous! He thought to himself. Darrel hadn’t seen the werewolf around here before so he was obviously from the other pack. The boy was smaller then most werewolves his age, he had light blonde hair with sapphire blue eyes. Darrel had always had a soft spot for kids, let alone guys who were his age and had the kidess look to them.

The boy’s name was Tryon. He was having weird feelings, Darrel thought at first that he was having strange feelings for someone, but when asked Tyron said no it wasn’t like that. He said that he didn’t know what it was, and it was confusing him, that was why he came to see them.

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