Chapter 16

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To find out what happened with Albert and Seth, please go to my second book: Twins.

Royce's POV

Chapter 16

A roar woke Royce from a peaceful sleep, he checked the alarm clock which he set for, four hours from when Albert left. It had only been three hours since he went to sleep, alone. He got up and threw the black suit on and quickly ran to the pond. Fang was there, reared up on his hind legs with a snarl on his face, Simon, Shelby, Sidney and Jared were there trying calm him down.

“What’s wrong with him!” Royce yelled, they all looked at him.

“Albert wasn’t here so Jared transformed and told him why since he was searching around and sniffing, when Jared told him he roared and started to freak out,” Shelby said quickly.

“Fang its fine, he will be back soon,” Fang paused and looked at him with his big yellow eyes. “So just be patient, Seth will be back soon with him as well as Albert’s brother, possibly, don’t hold me to that though.” Fang reared up and again and released a jet of flames.

“Smooth!” Shelby yelled.

“Jared start to talk to him!” Royce said, Jared transformed and started to talk to him. Jared ran to the forest and came back with a stick in his jaw. He started to try to write something down, he finally put down ‘where’ in a more-or-less neat writing.

“Albert said that he went to see his brother and brought Seth so that he could see his actual parents,” Simon said, “but I don’t know where exactly.” Fang reared up and sniffed the air. Jared wrote down-after a few tries-‘when’.

“He left three hours ago,” Fang came down off of his hind legs and sprang into to the air. “Where are you going!?!” Jared looked up then wrote down ‘after’. “Fang! He went to an army base, filled with soldiers and if he isn’t at the one that you go to then they will kill you!” Fang ignored them and continued to sniff the air, his tongue went out quickly and he turned south-east, roared, then took off.

Jared turned back to a human. “Albert better be wherever he is going,” Royce nodded.

“He is going to kill Albert when he finally finds him,” Royce said.

“Don’t say that!” Simon said.

“Just saying,” Simon watched Fang leave then swore silently. “What?”

“I could have went with him!”

“But then you wouldn’t have the opportunity to show Albert how fast you can work,” Royce said.

“True,” Simon nodded.

“Well I’m going back to sleep, I’ll be back in four hours, if I don’t find you here then I will search for you,” with that Royce left at a run. When he finally came back he saw four kids knocking at the door to the embassy. “There’s no one awake right now.” The kids flinched and looked back at Royce. “And I would appreciate if you stopped knocking on the door.” The kids nodded and ran.

With a sigh Royce entered and went to his room. He peeled the suit off and laid down on the bed with only his boxers on. He pulled the covers around himself and set the alarm clock for four hours. He fell asleep but was soon awoken from his door being opened. He looked to see Grant peering in.

“Yes?” Grant stepped in.

“Shouldn’t you be out checking on everyone?”

“I did that…twenty minutes ago,” Grant nodded and stood there. He was only wearing a pair of pants. “If you want you can sleep with me until I have to go and check on everyone.” Grant laid down beside Royce who pulled the covers over them both. Grant kissed Royce gently on the mouth and Royce groaned.

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