Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

>Simon’s POV<

Simon was sitting in his room, Aaron was with him. Both of the boys were worrying about their boyfriends. Their older brother kidnapped both of them.

Simon was still hopeful that Albert would escape and come back, but he knew that it might not happen. So he tried to put into his mind that they weren’t coming back for a while, but it was so hard too. He needed his little angel back. He wanted to be held by Albert again, to feel safe from the rest world around him.

Simon got up and moved over to Aaron, who looked up at him with sad eyes. Simon hugged him into his side. “They’ll be back, don’t worry, they’ll look out for each other,” Aaron hugged Simon back, and leaned into him.

“I know they do, but I’m worried, what if they get hurt?” He said through sobs.

“I promise you that they’ll be okay,” Simon sat there rocking the younger boy while he cried. Simon always wanted a younger brother. He always found Royce to be a big brother to him, but he always wanted a younger brother, someone to take care of. With Aaron crying into his shoulder, he felt like an older brother. Simon smiled a bit at the thought. “Its okay, their survivors.” Aaron didn’t seem to notice what Simon said.

He picked up the smaller boy and placed him in his lap, facing him. Aaron put his head on Simon’s shoulder while Simon rubbed his back gently, trying to sooth him.

“You two okay?” Larval’s voice came from the doorway, where he was peaking his head in. Aaron shook his head and tightened his grip on Simon.

“We’re okay, could be better though,” Larval stepped in carefully and sat down on the bed.

“Do you two need anything?” Simon gave a little glare to Larval. “Any food? Or something to eat?”

“I’m good, Aaron, how about you?”

“I want my Danny back,” he whined from his place in Simon’s arms.

“I know you do,” Simon looked at Larval with a sad look.

“I sent out some of my best trackers, once we find them we’ll go rescue them both,” Aaron looked over at Larval, with tears still rolling down his eye.

“Thank you.”

“It’s what I’m supposed to do, thank Sharpclaws and Fang, they didn’t have to help, but they are,” Larval got up and ruffled both of the boys’ hair. “Just relax, maybe have a nap, a bath or something. The two of you are to stressed out for this. One of you are in tears, and the other wants to cry, but wants to be strong; I’m proud of you Simon, usually you’re the one in tears. The two of you should just relax, the two of them will be alright, and will be back, I know they will. If not they have enough back up, and will have enough that they will be fine.”

“Thanks dad,” Simon gave him a smile.

“Your welcome son,” Larval gave him a smile back and left.


>Larval’s POV<

He left the boys’ room with a large smile. He felt proud for Simon, the boy was taking charge and making sure that someone else was okay before himself. Also he felt proud of himself, he had made a good enough impression, and fatherhood to the boy that he called him dad. Larval already felt like his father, and a father to all the kids in this house, including Albert. Daniel was a different story, Larval hadn’t been able to be with him as much, and the boy felt off, like something about him wasn’t right. Larval liked him instantly, but his wolf didn’t trust the boy, Larval only knew that if his wolf didn’t like someone, then he shouldn’t either, the kid however was a different story, he wanted to trust the kid.

Stepping over to a chair in his living room, Larval sat down heavily, feeling tired from what had happened in the day. He had sent the omega to see the rest of the omegas, and to stay with them. He still had to talk to Francis about treating his omegas better. Albert would want him too, but it might be a bit more trouble then what its worth, Larval would talk to the other alpha just for Albert.

Grabbing his book, Larval continued to read. A nipping at his heel brought his attention. He looked down to, see the little fox pouncing and biting him. “You hungry?” The fox looked up at him and barked. “You miss Albert?”

“I think everyone does,” Shelby appeared from the doorway of the kitchen.

“At least everyone in the house, especially a special someone,” Shelby frowned, and looked up towards the stairs.

“You went in to see him?” Larval nodded. “How bad was he?”

“He looked like he could cry, but he was supporting Aaron,” Shelby smiled weakly.

“I hope he’s okay…Simon I mean, he’s always so emotional,” Shelby frowned.

“He’s growing up,” Larval said proudly, the kit bit him again. Growling, he scooped him up. “You are such a pest!” Shelby laughed, while the kit started to bark at the wolf. “Ugh, even when you can’t bite me your annoying.” Shelby grabbed the little guy from Larval and started to pet him.

“All you have to do is pay him attention,” the kit calmed down and went to rubbing against her hand and wagging his tail.

“He just doesn’t like me,” Shelby shook her head.

“He’s just a big baby and wants attention; I’ll take him outside to the pond for a walk and some fresh air,” she went towards the door. “I’ll see you later Larval.”

“Be careful, if Tristan could make it into the pack village, in the middle of tons of wolves, then anyone can make it to the pond.”

“Don’t worry about me Larval,” with that Shelby left the house.

Larval picked up his book again, opening it to read the rest of it.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Alright this hasn't been one of the only updates for the book in three of four months(SORRY!!!) but I did upload a prologue, it explains a few things, but don't worry if you didn't read it, you can survive without reading it.

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