Chapter 7

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Albert's POV

Chapter 7

Albert looked out the window to his little room that he has lived in for the past ten years now. It was home to him, even though it was lonely and only the scientist came to visit to make sure that nothing was wrong. It was nice here since he got what ever he wanted with no questions or argument. He just couldn’t go outside his room with out confirmation from the scientist since they locked the door when they left. His back hurt from what they just did to him the other day.

They call him experiment X. Since that was all he was, an experiment. For the ten years he has been here he has been injected with hundreds of serums and different liquids of all colour. But what they did to him two days ago was going to far. They mutilated me! He kept thinking to himself. The first day he cried himself to sleep. They had put him under like they have a few times before but he was lying on his stomach that time. When he woke he was still on his stomach but there was a weight on his back that had never been there before.

When he got up for the first time since they put him under the weight wasn’t unbearable but it was weird. He had walked over to a mirror in the room and looked at himself. Two giant white wings were on his back. He thought that it was a joke that the scientist played on him like they would do to make him laugh and them. But when he tried to take them off they wouldn’t, he pulled a feather out and a pain shot through his body from the wings. They quivered quickly and he felt the weight move. A scientist walked in and saw that he was awake.

He had asked what they were playing at and said nice joke but by the way he looked at Albert he knew that it wasn’t a joke. He had freaked out and asked what they did to him. All the scientist said was that they had made him better. He reached out with his hands and the wings went out with his arms. He recoiled from the man and walked into the wall. He started to scream at the top of his lungs. The scientist tried to calm him down but Albert lashed out at him.

And now they wouldn’t go into his room anymore, even with the many times that he had said sorry. So he sat in his room alone. The only other person that he knew that was here was a boy that he had seen once. But never again after that. He heard howls when ever there was a full moon, so he guessed that he was a werewolf but when he asked about him they denied that there was anyone else here. He knew that they were lying but he accepted the answer. He had tried the wings out on occasions since that day and he started to figure out how they worked.

I’m going to break out of here, He thought to himself, but how am I going to do this? I know nothing about this place-even though that I have lived here for ten years. Nor do I know where this place is. He went to his computer and sat down, he was used to sitting with his wings now. He went to look at a website that could display a map. When he pressed enter it said that it was blocked. Why is it blocked? he thought. He tried it again and the same thing happened. He turned the computer off and laid down on his comfortable bed.

The scientist were visiting less the past few days, he thought nothing of it. But it was weird. The sun set bellow the horizon and a full moon replaced it in the sun. A howl ripped through the place like it always did. Albert thought nothing of it and continued to relax. A knock came at his door and he looked up to see a scientist outside waving him over. Albert got off the bed and went over to the door.

“Hi, what do you want?” Albert said kindly looking at the guy.

“You need to come with me,” he said and opened the door, when Albert came out and the scientist started to walk and he followed him without pause. They walked for awhile until they came to the gym that was here. The scientist pushed him in and closed the door behind him and was gone.

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