Chapter 17

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Hope you guys enjoy.

Simon's POV

Chapter 17

Simon woke up the next day and stayed curled up in his ball. He just didn't want to get up while Albert was still not here. So he stayed there and thought. Royce had stayed with him until he fell asleep, but Simon remember falling asleep in his clothes, not pyjamas. He immediately started to blush. Simon got out of bed and saw a note on his desk.

Hey I know what your thinking right now. So in anticipation to you getting mad I wrote this. I did change you out of your clothes and into pyjamas, but I only did that since they didn't look comfortable. I did see your naked body, but I just want to say that I don't care. You're my best friend and I could care less seeing you naked. So if you want to get mad at me fine, but I don't think I did anything wrong. I wont tell anyone about what I did either so don't worry.


Simon grabbed some clothes quickly and crumpled the note up and tossed it out. When he was dressed he ran down the stairs and out the door. He didn't make eye contact with anyone as he walked to the embassy. It was still raining out but he didn't care. When he got to the embassy he knocked on the door. Grant opened the door, Simon pushed his way passed him and.

"Excuse me, but I think I need to invite you in first," Simon ignored him. Royce walked out of the kitchen.

"You," was all Simon said as he walked over to him.

"Did you read my note?"

"Yes and I'm still angry," Grant walked over and stood beside Royce.

"May I ask what this is all about?"

"Can you just leave the two of use to talk for a little while?" Grant nodded and left the house.

"Why would you change me out of my clothes!?!"

"Cause they looked uncomfortable," Royce said with a straight face. "You know that we have slept together before, in the same bed. Also we have known each other for years, I don't see why your so mad."

"Cause you saw me naked!"

"I've seen worse, I did walk in on you while you were-"

"But still!"

"Is it just cause I saw you naked?" Simon nodded. "Do you want to see me naked?" Simon blushed right away and looked away from Royce. "Like I said in the note. I don't care as long as it is with you, I trust you."

"Okay...but I don't want to see you naked," Royce laughed.

"Really?" Simon only nodded and smiled.

"Yes! But, can you not do that ever again?"

"It really bugs you doesn't it?"

"Yes," Royce hugged Simon.

"Its fine," Simon hugged him back. "Besides, we both have boyfriends, and I don't know about you but I'm not going to cheat on mine."

"I wouldn't cheat on Albert!"

"Alright good, so the only reason I took you out of your clothes was to make you comfortable. If we weren't such good friend I wouldn't have," Simon nodded and held the hug for longer. "You miss him a lot don't you?"

"Ya," Royce hugged him tighter.

"That's why your extending are hug," Simon knew it was an observation but nodded anyways. "Want to kiss too?" Simon could tell that Royce was being serious.

"What about Grant?"

"He'd understand, but you don't have to if-" Simon reached up and kissed Royce gently on the lips not allowing him to finish his sentence. Royce gently picked Simon up and held him so that they were face to face. Simon broke away and saw Royce smiling. "Feel better?"

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