Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

When Seth woke up again it was almost dinnertime. Johnny was gone, leaving the sheet he was using bunched up. Some talking out in the living room made him get up and go outside to see what was going on. He walked over Johnny’s bed and went out into the living room. His mom, dad, and Johnny were talking to each other. Grace stopped talking and looked over at her son.

“Have a good sleep?” She asked a Seth who was wiping his eyes.

“Ya I did, how long have you all been up for?” he asked sitting down on the couch beside Johnny. Johnny moved a bit away from him, Seth sighed. “Don’t you think that if I wanted to hurt you I would have either when we first met or while you were sleeping?”

“Seth! Don’t threaten,” she said her eyebrows turning into one eyebrow. “And we’ve been up for twenty minutes or so.”

“I wasn’t threatening,” Seth said, “I was merely asking.”

“Well don’t you’ll scare him,” she said looking at Johnny. Seth breathed in and smelted that same sweet scent of fear. It made him want to hunt, and smell the fear seep from the body of his prey.

“Okay, I’m sorry Johnny,” the smell weakened a touch. “Where did Grant go?”

“He is in his special embassy building where all the-” she stopped and looked at Johnny who was listening closely or just really good at faking it. “-go.” she concluded.

“Where all the what go?” Johnny asked looking from person to person. Seth looked at his mother and then his father.

“I’ll tell him,” Seth said turning to face Johnny. “Where all the vampires go, Grant is a vampire.” The smell of fear filled the air again.

“There are vampires here?” Johnny asked looking frantic.

“Seth! Why did you have to tell him that!” Grace yelled at her son.

“He ought to know,” Seth complained. “Johnny, he won’t hurt you, before I was transformed he was a foot or two away from me and he didn’t. And if he does I will tear his throat out.” Johnny moved farther away from Seth.

“Seth you aren’t helping,” his father spoke for the first time in the conversation. “Johnny, Grant won’t hurt you, he is actually very nice.”

“Please can you make sure that I don’t go near him,” Johnny said his voice was full of fear.

“We will, but it might be inevitable,” George said, “but we will warn him if he does get close.”

“Okay,” Johnny said relaxing a bit. Seth got up and headed for the door.

“Where do you think that you are going?” Grace asked turning around to look at him.

“For a walk, I feel as stiff as a board,” she got up as well.

“We’ll come with you,” she said and George got up. “Come on Johnny we’ll show you around and point out interesting structures.” Johnny got up reluctantly.

“Can we not go near the embassy,” he asked as Seth opened the door rolling his eyes.

“Of course we won’t,” Grace said stepping out followed behind by George and Johnny. Seth walked around listening to the same things that he has already heard before but now from Grace and sometimes George would join in. Grace stopped talking for a second when a women and a man walked by holding hands.

The man walked like he had some power in the pack. “Mom who are they?” Seth asked in a whisper turning around to face her.

“You don’t know?” She whispered back, Seth shook his head. “How don’t you?” He shrugged. “Well the man is the alpha and that is his girlfriend who he knew from before all this happened and now they are getting married soon.”

Beginnings[Book 1 of the Outbreak series]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt