Chapter 19

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Okay, sorry for the slow updates, this book takes a while to type up since i use a word document and usually have at least ten pages for a chapter. so enjoy!!!

*Albert's POV*

Chapter 19

Albert woke up with a sleeping Simon beside him. He gently stroked his boyfriend’s hair, and just laid there. He looked over at Simon’s desk, wondering what he had been doing last night. Albert slowly got up and moved over to the desk. There were some drawings of his feather and something scribbled here and there on the page. It was next to inedible, so Albert didn’t both to try and read it. His one feather that was pulled out last night was still there, sitting at the top.

Albert went back to the bed and kissed his boyfriend’s head. Then feeling brave, changed into some clean clothes in the same room. He didn’t care if Simon caught him…but he would prefer if he didn’t. After he pulled his shirt on Simon started to steer.

“Morning sleeping beauty,” Albert sang out to Simon.

“Morning angel,” Simon said through the pillow. Albert lifted up the covers to show Simon’s feet, he then brushed the boy’s foot with his wing. “Stop that, it tickles.”

“Make me,” Albert taunted and brushed it again. Simon sprang up and pounced on Albert, he caught his boyfriend and held him close. They kissed lovingly, their hands rubbing each other’s back. “Okay I’ll stop,” Albert said with a smile.

“Thanks,” Simon cuddled close. “Weren’t you in other clothes?”

“I changed a few seconds before you woke up,” Simon started to blush.

“You mean right here?”

“Yes silly,” Simon smiled.

“What if I were to have caught you?”

“I wouldn’t have cared,” Albert said truthfully, and squeezed his boyfriend.

“Then why didn’t you change while I was awake?” Simon asked with an evil grin as he moved back a bit to see Albert’s reaction.

“Cause I don’t want you watching me, I don’t mind if you catch me, cause I think its safe though,” Albert said, it brought a frown to Simon’s face. “What’s wrong baby?”

“Hoping for a different answer,” Simon sighed and pulled back, Albert sighed and went for the door.

“I’ll wait for you down stairs,” Albert announced and left Simon to do whatever. When he got down stairs no one was up so he was quiet, Daniel and Aaron were asleep on the couch, which was out in a bed. Albert smiled to himself. He had finally found his brother…and another one which neither of them knew about, his brother was bisexual like him, and he had an amazing boyfriend, both of them did.

Albert walked into the kitchen to make some food for himself and Simon. Simon soon came down and sat at one of the chairs. They didn’t talk to each other the whole time, it worried Albert, but he didn’t want to say anything. Albert finished cooking and placed a plate out for Simon and himself, he sat down beside his boyfriend and started to eat.

“Thanks,” Simon said when Albert put some food in front of him.

“No problem,” Albert smiled over at him and Simon returned the smile. They ate as quietly as possible so that no one would come in. they finished and Albert washed the dishes quickly. “So what’s the plan for today?”

“Sharpclaw’s basket,” Simon answered with a smile.

“Alright, lets go,” Albert said, and grabbed Simon’s hand and walked out. The streets weren’t packed, but they weren’t empty either. They made it to the forest, a small and quiet yelp came form close by.

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