Chapter 8

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Seth's POV

Chapter 8

Seth woke from a restful night alone in the infirmary. His parents came to see him after Raven and Dale left. Johnny came along with them. Once they had left the doctor came into check on him, once he left he fell asleep.

He was getting restless now, he pulled the sheets off of his legs. The wound was completely gone now. He got up slowly, it felt fine now. He looked outside to see that the sun was fully up now. It must be about nine or so. He went outside his room and went to leave and saw the doctor at the desk near the entrance he looked up and smiled but didn’t stop him. Seth walked out and was met by Brian.

“Hello,” Seth said, Brian smiled and put his hand on Seth’s shoulder.

“I heard what happened,” Seth smiled and shrugged.

“It wasn’t that bad,” Brian laughed and turned around. “I’m going to go stretch my legs, want to come along?”

“Where are you going?” Seth shrugged.

“Don’t know, around,” Seth said walking away from the hospital Brian following behind.

“So how have you been?” Brian asked politely.

“Other than yesterday, okay,” Brian shrugged. A gun shot ripped through the air. Seth flinched and Brian laughed. Seth saw something falling down from the sky and land in the forest a bang followed short after. “Did you see that?”

“Yes,” they were both off at a run, they were in the forest in seconds and were racing to where ever that thing landed. Seth was sniffing the air looking for the smell of blood or something new. He caught a scent and started to run in that direction Brian shortly behind. The got to a clearing. Two boys were there both unconscious. They looked normal enough but one had giant white wings that protruded from his back, they matched his hair and his skin. The other boy had blonde hair and light brown skin. They were attached together with their belts.

“What do you make of this?” Brian asked crouching down and touching the kids wing, it moved when he touched them. Seth crouched down and checked their pulses.

“Their alive and I don’t know, I’ve never seen it before,” Seth moved and started to undo the belts that held them together. They came undone and the blonde hair boy rolled off of the winged boy. “The winged boy is like an angel or something.”

“Ya, but why would he be carrying some kid with him?” Seth shrugged and picked up the angel boy, he felt to light to be human, Brian picked up the other boy and slung him over one shoulder. They started to make their way back to the village.

“We should take them to the infirmary,” Brian nodded. They got to the village in more time then it took to get to the boys. They haven’t moved but Seth could hear them breathing. People whispered as they passed by. They got to the infirmary and entered. The doctor got up immediately and ushered them into a room with two beds in it.

He pulled out his note pad and was about to write something. “Don’t bother. We found them together in a bunch after we heard a gun shot,” Seth explained, the doctor pointed to the angel boy. “We don’t know, they were belted together.” The doctor started to examine the angel boy, he came across a bullet hole in the muscle of the wing. Seth gasped. So he was shot, Seth thought. The bullet went all the way through and it was already healing. “Will he be okay?” The doctor shrugged and moved over to the other boy, he looked fine other than a scratch across his face and some scrapes from falling out of the sky .

The doctor ushered them out and closed the door. He wrote down: They will need rest, they will wake up then and I will see if they are okay. Seth nodded. He wrote down more: If you would like you can stay until they do wake up, there is food that I will bring out for you.

Beginnings[Book 1 of the Outbreak series]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя