Chapter 12

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Albert's POV

Chapter 12

The sun was just passing below the tree line as Albert and Simon watched the clouds. The girls and Jared had left an hour or so, but Albert hadn’t really noticed when they left exactly but he knew that they weren’t there. Simon was laying on top of Albert’s wing, he was heavy but not heavy enough to make it uncomfortable for him. His other wing was outstretched on his left side. They had spent the last few hours just talking away about little things that didn’t actually matter all that much.

A arm came across Albert’s chest, he looked at Simon and saw that he was asleep and he was on his side. Albert flexed his wing so that Simon moved down so that he was up against Albert. Immediately once Simon touched his side he snuggled up to him pressing his face into Albert’s side. A yawn came from Fang, Albert looked over at him and saw that he was stretching like a cat after a nap. Fang adjusted so that he was looking over at Albert and Simon, and laid down again.

“Its cute,” Fang said looking at Albert with one big yellow eye.

“What is?” Albert stretched his neck so that he could see Fang better from where he was laying.

“You two,” just out of his one eye Albert could see that he was watching him with some care. “Its adorable that the same gender can love each other. My kind tries to kill each other if the same male likes the same female. Right Sharpclaws?”

“Yes it is interesting,” they were actually talking which was a good sign, but would be a pain for Albert now. “But at least they are happy, that is the most important thing.”

“I wasn’t saying anything about it being bad, just odd for me to see two male love each other,” Fang said “I have had close male friends, I just have never had anymore feelings for them than that.”

“Its not something that is as usual as you may think,” Albert said putting his hands behind his head. “Some people don’t agree with it, so guys and also girls who like the same gender will either lie or won’t tell anyone. But its inevitable that people will find out.”

“Well now I know two,” Fang said closing his eye. Simon snuggled closer to Albert’s side, his heat seeped into Albert’s body warming him. He folded his right wing up so that it covered Simon and apart of himself. Simon started to move slightly and then went still again. He looks so peaceful and young like this, Albert thought with a smile on his face. Simon started to move again and his face twisted into a frown, his mouth started to move slowly. His whole body jerked quickly and his eyes flew open with a gasp he sat up quickly.

“Did you have a bad dream?” Albert asked still laying down on the grass. Simon nodded and laid back down beside him. “What was it about?”

“Its not important,” the other boy said snuggling up to Albert again like he did before.

“If its about you than I find it important,” Simon blushed, “so just tell me.”

“In it basically Royce was attacking me,” Simon’s gaze was distant while he talked, “you know that he is a vampire right? Ya, well he was chasing me then once he caught me he ripped me in half and then that’s when I woke up.”

“He wouldn’t do that, he is your friend after all,” Simon looked at Albert with a smile and nodded slightly. He snuggled closer to Albert. “I really don’t think that you can get any closer to me.”

“Well I can,” Albert blushed and looked away from him quickly. A hand grabbed his chin and pulled gently so that he was looking at Simon, Simon pushed his head back a bit to see the sunset completely. “Pretty, right?”

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