Chapter 18 - First Date - Part 2

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"How can I make it perfectly clear that Cris, Día, and Rocco are mine? You cheated. And you, well, you are just desperate. Cris Fiore is mine, and this beautiful engagement ring says so. Both of you need to get a life and find it soon. Cris has moved on with his life to me. Don't start no stuff, won't be no stuff, got it?"

Next thing I knew, that Candi chick threw her drink on me. And so did the other chick. I looked again at Cris and said, "That's it!"

My father taught us - Noel, Marissa, and I - how to protect ourselves. So now, I am about to defend myself. They both did not realize what they were about to get. Marissa jumped Candi, and I took the other chick. One punch, and she was down for the count. "Well, that was easy." 

Cris massaged my neck and shoulders after that. "That is my baby!" He then said. Candi just had to be stupid and fight back. Marissa tore her up from the floor up. She was a woman on a mission. Candi finally gave up. Cris and Andre tried to pull Marissa off Candi because that is how strong Marissa and I were.

"You are going to pay for this! Just wait until Cris is not around," Candi started screaming.

"Oh, I'm shaking in my boots."

Cris had two bodyguards throw them out of the club.

"I better not ever hurt you." We both laughed and went back to dancing.


Cris's POV

"I'm sorry for that little display there. I didn't mean to embarrass you at the club," Kamea said with a concerned look on her face.

I took my hand to lift her chin and looked into her eyes, so I could tell her, "Sweetheart, don't ever apologize for defending yourself. You had every right. If anything, you sent notice to everyone not to cross you. I better be careful myself. It was not embarrassing at all. In fact, it was a turn-on. When we come back, we are going to get a restraining order against Candi and Addison. This has got to stop with those two." 

"Who taught you and Marissa how to fight?"

"My dad taught us. He was always worried about us around boys, especially Noeli. She was picked on through middle school by kids. So, one day she had enough and went off on a kid that was bothering her. Nobody ever tried to pick on her again."

"I'm proud of you, beautiful." 

"Thanks. I need to sit down for a minute."

"How would you like to be a judge for tonight's dance contest?" I asked her.

"Sounds like fun. I need something to drink."

"What would you like?" 

"Just water."

So, I motioned for the waiter to bring Kamea some water.

"I'll let the DJ know. Be right back." So, I walked over to the DJ, and he made the announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Club Cacao's dance contest for tonight! And we have a special guest judge with us. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Ms. Kamea Palu, winner of the first dance contest here at Club Cacao."

Everyone started cheering and clapping for Kamea, so she stood up and waved to the crowd. There were about five contestants for tonight - 2 guys and three girls. Kamea takes dancing seriously. So, I saw her facial expressions with each dancer. I could tell which ones she liked and which ones she did not. So, after everyone was finished, we walked over to the DJ booth so that she could announce the winner.

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